confusion is all around

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Heyo platypuses, i am alive. I just want you to know i appretiate any kind of update comment. Despite what other authors say. Enjoy the chapter i guess! Btw this whole thing is coming straight out of my ass i have no plot ( i've said this multiple times i believe)

Narrative pov

"What. the. fuck..." a singular agreement rose among the group of teens as a tall, fox like, creature strode into the living room. Sitting narrowly in the middle of the room the previously unnoticed bags slip off its back. A silence remains in the room everyone unwilling to move. Suddenly the lanky creature stalks up to kouda and lies down.
All eyes turn to the animal specific quirk user, along with a few raised eye brows kouda, in reply just shrugs, also not know the whereabout of the creature.

Past a hallway, in a room, with four people, with a deck of uno cards, is three people about to beat the shit out of the fourth.
"Go fish!" Yelled the yellow haired idiot.
"It's not fucking go fish! Its uno you pre-pubecsent!, uncultured!, double A batteries! Rip-off pikachu!" Yelled a purple scarred, slightly older, male. At that point all other three members of the game had tears hanging in their eyes. The rip-off pikachu let the insults slide and played his hand.
"Fine then, Im out" as he placed down his last card being -just to rub it in the mans face- a yellow reverse card. Meaning the raisin could not play next and instead went to the other slightly scared, pale yellow haired, male. Placing down a yellow draw two his turn ended. A purple haired man groaned, picked up his cards and looked at the growing pile of 12 cards, he had yet to be able to properly place a single card. It was either the colors had to match or that's not the right number, you could tell he's never played before.

All in all, the purple haired male didn't like the game 'uno' very much. Before the scarred male could play again, the winner of the game said.
" i'm gonna go pick up some more snacks anyone want anything?" Receiving nothing but the shaking of heads he exits the room, destination? The kitchen.

Elsewhere on the beautiful starry night there are two figures, soon to be three. Bush boy and hobo walk closer to the glorified building, however being stopped when the rustling of -real- bushes. Being wary the two stopped and turned to the bush awaiting whatever it is that would come out.



"Anomine!" Yelled bush boy, rushing over to the black furred wolf. Feeling the wolf, bush boy winces as he feels the blood soaking the wolfs coat.

"Anomine, are you ok?" Says bush boy. To the hobo, the wolf whimpers and whines and 'arfs' but again the boy seems content with this. The hobo supposes he should ask the boy of his quirk later on, he hadn't done that yet. The wolf does nothing, yet the boy quickly stands and stares at a far off cliff.

510 words..
I promised a new chapter but I never promised it's length

Btw this isnt the end. The hell is wrong with you people. I almost never write short chapter chapters. Also i'll start calling them by their names now.


Before Aizawa could ask what was wrong, Izuku rushed off heading straight for the cliff. Upon reaching a flat part of the cliffside the two stare in aproximate horror at the scene.
Splayed across the ground is a large group of betas, along with a giant man he looked to have been torn up by the wolves. Aizawa recognized the passed out man as the villain muscular, who had recently escaped jail mysteriously.

Izuku went to the wolves, checking for any pulse. Pulling the deceased wolves into a pile (to be buried later) Izuku notices a slighty demolished cave, the rubble leaving the cave to be blocked off.
Walking to the other side of the cave Izuku notices a boy. He has short black hair, a red cap with yellow/tan horns protruding the front of the cap.

Following Izuku, aizawa also notices the boy and immediately recognized him as Kota. Kota was the boy the Wild wild pussy cats had brought along, being his guardians and all, they had to.

"Aizawa" Izuku states. Causing Aizawa to turn his attention over to him. "He is bleeding... but, he is alive,do... you know him?" Aizawa holds back the look of surprise, how had Izuku known he knew Kota? " yes i know him, how did you know?" He asks. Izuku, in turn, does not reply and instead examines Kota checking him for any threatening injuries.

Content with his findings, Izuku picks up Kota and begins, once again, towards the large building.

Elsewhere, with others.

Kaminari was getting some chips, cookies that sato baked, and pocky sticks when a lound ruckus comes from the common room. Kaminari thinks it's normal and goes back to the room. After sitting down shinso asks "what was that noise outside?" Kaminari shruggs and begons to nom down on his snacks.
"FUCKING HELL!" Yells bak-well most of the easily angered UA students. They had been trying many tactics to retrieve the creature they know as -thanks to kouda- a maned wolf, not common residents of japan. Some tactics revolved around food, such as trying to give the wolf food as a distraction. Second tactic was trying to surround the wolf. As another tactic -one that they got dishearted at once they realized- was that kouda could just try to talk to the wolf, and that's where they are now.

Failing miserably.

For some reason the wolf won't talk to kouda, and now no one knows what to do until, The wolf lets out a very loud, very strange, and very unique howl-bark. Causing everyone in the near radious to drop to their knees and cover their ears.

Also causing the four in the other room to come rushing in...

1013 words.
Cliffhanger platypuses
Im done. I cant. I have 0 motivation for this. I'm tired, i'm one minute away from commending myself for not purchasing plane tickets, taking a tour in ireland, jumping off a cliff in said ireland. I have a shit ton of homework to do, I barely get any sleep, which means I nap in the day causing me to be awake at night. I fall asleep around 3 am. I have to wake up at 7-8 o clock for school. I wake up to a baby crying. And there are no energy drinks or coffee in this godforsaken household....

Be happy i updated. It'll be a while before the next update. (They are extremely slow I update the chapters when i have ideas and those come in little spurts throughout the weeks)

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