waking up

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Izuku POV
'Its cold, where am I, where's momma, I cant see,is something on my face?'. I reach up to find that I've been blindfolded and when I take it off...'a forest, why would I be in a forest, where momma, I'm scared, its dark'. "Huh? What this?" I stand and walk over to a little box with a note, it says...

Dear izuku,
Hello sweetie, momma loved 'loved?' you with all her heart, but I did not give birth to a useless quirkless child like you. So I have decided to leave you in this forest and let nature take care of you. Goodbye
From, inko

'What... why would momma hate me' I felt something roll down my face, i realized that i was crying. 'I think the last thing me and momma did was go to the doctor to find out my quirk... so does that mean-'
"What was that?!"i had heard a sort of rustling in the bushes over to my left." I should stay away from that right?",'right'... so I find myself walking over to the bush that's rustling...what I see surprises me

what I see surprises me

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A maned wolf cub...'I remember when I was in kindergarten I asked the teacher about wolves and she gave me a book,but maned wolves aren't supposed to be in japan'. I look at the pup and see that it's all alone no momma no daddy either."hey there little buddy,my name is mid-", 'no, momma left me,right? so I'm not really a midoriya anymore'," izuku, you can call me izuku"

Time skip-----

Narrative pov
"Tategami go!" Izuku yelled to the maned wolf. It's been a few months since izuku found the pup and is currently playing fetch with tategami. No, not the kind of fetch you play with a dog to go get the ball, but the fetch to go get you next meal which should hopefully consist of rabbit, squirrel and fruit."great job tategami I'm really proud of you you caught the rabbit". Now izuku and tategami are headed to the make shift bunker they called home.

The bunker is a crashed plane(original I know =_= ). Under the right wing is a man made cave like hole large enough to fit all the supplies izuku has collected over the months, such as pelts, weapons, herbs, and handmade dishes(those weren't the best). Izuku stashed the food he had in the cupboards that are found under the usually attached seats, izuku has taken those off and generally uses them as a bed or practice for hunting. Izuku takes the rabbit and squirrel.

Elsewhere at the forest's edge near the city musutafu

"Hey hurry up with the blueprints!" "Sorry sir... here you go sir"

At this very moment a construction company is planning on building a large camp sight for the young heroes in training of the next generation. While this is no where near our precious izuku and tategami, this will impact their lives forever.

Pleasure to meet the online community. My name is mio (not really ofc) and this is my first story so I hope its alright.

I was really scared to post this so please dont put in hate comments unless your telling me I made a mistake in the story.

Also I have no set schedule for updating so feel free to tell me to update seeing as which I'm jobless and on break. I won't update on July 19, 24 and 25 as well as in the middle of August I'll let you guys know
It's a short chapter with 513 words(only counting the storyline)

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