settling in

870 45 17

Aizawa pov

It had taken a while -Which was surprising considering the lack of items the kid had- to get the little Bush settled into his designated room. Afterwards he scoped out my apartment. The tv seemed to be his favorite, though he didn't care much for the couch instead opting for the floor.

Currently the kiddo has been napping in my sleeping bag as I do some work. It's the weekend, but getting him settled had taken up most of my day. Getting to kaminari's test I cant help but groan.

"Oh, is that pika's?" A gravely voice asked from over my shoulder.

"When did you wake up?, but I dont know who 'pika' is. This is kaminari's test, you know him, right?" I asked

"Yeah, denki is pika, you don't know pokemon? Pika is short for this electric type pokemon called pikachu, I'll have to show you later"
"Anyways, pika has trouble learning like others"

'What, trouble learning? Yeah I knew something like that was happening but...'

"How do you mean?" I ask 'maybe he's told you something he hasn't told me, that seems likely'

"His quirk, its always going on under his skin, keeps his head on 'zoomy' makes his focus go 'kaploot"' he says making little hands for emphasis.

'So heres the options presented, a.d.d., a.d.h.d., anxiety, even chronic stress. Now at least I can confront him about it.'

"And how do you know this?" Even now my thoughts ran 'To what extent did kaminari know there was an abandoned child in a forest?'

"I help him in work, like that, I help him in quirk too. And his gives him trouble with work like this" he points to the problems on the test "so I give an outlet to keep his quirk focused on something besides his brain"

"I see, thank you, kid" giving a small smile to the kid he walks off. 'Back to grading'

'Hang on, he didnt tell me when he woke up. damn, his stealth is off the chart though, I'll need to give him my assessment if I want to integrate him into the class, yamada will be overseeing his intellectual tests and chiyo will be his doctor for all his medical needs, tests etc etc. All that's left for me, shit I dont even know, physical help would fall under chiyo's work. What good am I to-'

"Shit, I'm getting all wound up" giving a light smack to my cheek and a rub to my temple I sit up and leave for the kitchen.
'Ah fuck it.' I grab out my phone to call 'zashi.

Some rings later and he picks up.

"Yo! Shou, wazzup man? You don't normally call, did somethin' happen? Is the kiddo hurt?"

"No 'zashi the kid is fine, I just think i wanna meet up later when he's asleep, maybe get some drinks or something?"

"That's good, but shou, you have a responsibility to the kiddo now, and I need to care for nem. you know this, again sorry, man."

"It's... okay I guess, j-"

"Is something on your mind shou? Is that why you wanna go out? You used to do this when we dated so dont even deny it. Just, tell me, alright? I'm your friend"

"why me? Why was I his designated caretaker? Why wasn't he put into the foster system? Hell why not even witness protection? He was witness to the league's attack. Damnit 'zashi with his diagnosis from the hospital he should even be homed in a medical protection service!" 'Shit, did he hear me?' Ran through my head as I raised my voice through the call, the line was quiet so I continued  " 'zashi, how am I fit to care for a child? I can barely even care for myself, you know this."

"Shou. You became his designated caretaker because you said you would. I bet if you ask that kid who else he would rather care for him, I bet on my daily merch income he would tell you nobody else. Shou he's attached to you, it might not be anything more than you being the first trustworthy adult he's been around in a long time, but listen man, you two can take care of eachother. Besides even if you hadn't taken him in he would've gone to you. He has connections with one of your students And with one of the villains. He would, and technically is under investigation, for his and other's safety he needed to go with you"


"Shouta. Your doubting yourself. You've got this. Listen man if there was someone better to care for the kiddo, would you fight to have him? If he was in school and you got a call would you drop your own job, your own teaching job, and go to him? If he had nightmares would you not help him calm down? If he got hurt wouldn't you fuss over him? What if he got sick, would you not call anyone you can to make sure he'll be fine? Shouta. Would you ruin your perfect work attendance for the safety and happiness of that child?"

Before I could answer a voice in the background had 'zashi saying

"Shit, sorry shou I gotta go, nem is about to throw hands with the baby crib, you got this shouta, I'll talk to you la- NEM NO!- listen man you just gotta settle in more"

when he hung up I still had those questions in my head. 'Would I do that? All of those things? Could I possibly manage those things? Damnit, he's right in someways I guess. How can he be both helpful and not helpful.'

Hi,I'm alive. Busy, but alive. Sort of motivated now. School is almost over though. I'll work on the next chapter now. I sort of know what I wanna do, cya platypuses

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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