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(picture above has nothing to do with this chapter, i just thought it was cute, i imagined the sparkles hitting stains face and bouncing off)


dabi pov

'three hours, three more dread-full hours until I would have to attack the forest, Izuku's home...'  I haven't been able to reach Kaminari in the two days I had warned Izuku. 'I hope Iuku was able to get the message to Kaminari though. (he did, he "birded" him, via messenger bird)
" Dabi! you better get ready its almost night time!" handyman yelled through his father...honeslty . ' does he wash all of those hands or is it like a set, if one set gets dirty he takes those off and gets the next set and then switch.' this question is important people, don't blame me. 

two hours and fifty-five minutes later

"are you ready, dabi?" Kurogiri says as he opens a warp, because unlike some people ,at this dump of a bar, he has manners. , "It doesn't matter if hes ready or..NOT he----" handyman says as he kicks my back, forcing me through the portal. " sweet nezu, do I hate that guy" I mutter as I regain my balance. I start to walk around the forest after the portal closes up for a new location. Apparently we were supposed to kidnap the explosion boy as our main goal, though I doubt he'd join. Im still walking around waiting for Izuku to show up when I feel a strange sort of...
'aura... some ones here' I get into a defensive stance, since I dont know who it is, but then I hear
"hey dabi, I didnt know when to expect you, but here you are"  I turn to see Izuku leaning on a tree smirking as if he won a poker game, when you thought you had it in the bag. 'huh, he looks better then I last remember' ever since the attack on the USJ I hadn't seen Izuku. Me and kaminari have been feeding and spoiling Izuku with stuff so he's not too detached from humanity.
'Izuku has muscle now aswell, since when?'
" yeah, long time no see, so are you gonna come and beat me up now or?" Izuku chuckles  at my statements.
" yes,  dabi I am." . . .
' hey guys lets jut say...  sometimes it's better when Izuku doesnt smile' , " dabi, i can't aford you breaking the fourth wall" ,  'sorry'
Izuku bounds towards me using the tree as a boost. Thirty inches. Izuku jumps to the right. Twenty-four inches Izuku excellerates himself to the left. He's sneering at me ,  'huh,  guess he's mad about me saying the league wanted to burn the forest' you see," DABI STOP IT" , despite my " I-dont-want-to-be-here-this-is-boring attitude I am a very observant persO---' ,  "urghk," ,  'I should of paid attention to Izuku' I think as I fall to the left from a kick to the side of my torso.  As instinct I try to light my quirk. 
'Keyword: try'
my flame won't light.

"Flames Need oxygen, dabi and I've learned that in order for fire quirk users to use there quirk you guys need oxygen in your lungs" Izuku says to me 'oh boy, one hit and I'm already winded...'


Narrator's p.o.v

Two days and four and a half hours, that's when things went haywire. Of course you guys wouldnt know this because I haven't told you. But now I will.

Two days ago kaminari found the wolves Izuku had sent to protect him as well as having recieved a carrier crow with a letter from izuku with information on the attack. During that time kaminari trained and managed to keep bakugou within his eyesight and running range.
Something he learned from Izuku if that if the person (read prey) were definantly going to have more stanima than you, than you have to find a way around that. Wear them out through your smarts ("you can go up a tree!" Said Izuku), or going in zigzags if your being chased. And that is precisly what our resident pikachu did. He ran in zigzags while being chased by the handy-facepalm-man-child.

Izuku was having fun right now (beating up dabi). He had been waiting for dabi for two days. Just waiting to beat the burnt nugget for even texting to burn down his forest. Even though he knows its not dabi's fault, he has no one else to blame. However before he was beating up dabi he was watching out for Kaminari. Because if Kaminari failed his part he could ruin the whole plan. While he was watching Kaminari he caught sight of two faces he... somehow, somewhere recognized.

Aizawa was.. how do we say this, annoyed? Yes, that fits the bill. His students have gone to the training camp. He's not lonely  he's their with them, afterall. He's annoyed because two days ago they were perfectly fine and now he has kaminari zigzaging throughout the camp, being chased by the lead villain shigaraki, shinsou has taken the attack lightly and has brainwashed the cannon fodder into singing 'i'm a barbie girl'  while doing the waltze. Kirishima and tetsutetsu are doing a "manly" battle taking down as many fodder as possible.and others are... well, the others are also beating on the fodder of villains. What can aizawa say class 1-a are a special breed of stupid.

Aizawa does take note of the wolves chomping on the villains but assumes it was koda (it wasn't). Until something catches his eye. A tall, skinny, red-ish brown and black creature near the forest's hedge "did you hurt tategami" a little boys voice echo through his head. He is now concerned about what happen to the little green bush boy.

Shigaraki is confused and angry. There are multipe things gone wrong that he notices. One:the forest is not engulfed in blues flames. Two: all the fodder villains he brought are being taken down, in the stupidest ways. Three: the explosive Pomeranian has not been captured yet and they had a time limit to do so. So now shigaraki finds himself filled with even more rage at not being able to catch this pikachu rip-off.

Shigaraki is too caught up in thought to notice the pikachu rip-off make a straight (read gay) turn towards him, all shigaraki knows is he feels a flaring pain on his nose (father) and stomach in a span of about 5.2 seconds. (And he's down for the count!)

Kuroguri doesnt even know why he tries anymore. So he takes a knocked out shigaraki to the bar, grabs toga, twice, magne, compress, and a downed muscular (shinso got to muscular and helped kota), aswell as a few other villains. As kuroguri goes to warp the black mucle-filled bird creature the yellow haired student with the electric quirk stabs a metal pole he picked up into the brain and fries it. Kurogiri decides to leave it seeing as they are outmatched.

He  doesnt notice he hadn't grabbed the burnt nugget they call dabi.

1181 words.

OH MY GOD. THAT TOOK wayyyyy longer than I wanted it too.

Honestly guys I'm very sorry I havent updated any chapters. Because while I have made mentions (comments) to you guys about the continuation of this story I havent kept up to my word, BUT I have now.
Thank you to everyone who has waited patiently for me to update.
(I might do one-shots while im working on actuall chapters 🤔)

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