some unexpected guests part 1

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Dabi with out scars,  I'm trying different styles

Narrative pov.

It's been about one and a half years, since tategami got shot, since izuku talked with shouta aizawa, since said shouta aizawa has been worring about the bush boy he never saw after their talk, since izuku has kept watch of the unknown building called the USJ, since izuku has met another person face to face.
Izuku pov
"Tategami do you mind staying here while I go get some of the fruits?" I asked. getting nothing but a mere "yip" and "bark" I went off to gather the fruits we needed for dinner. I traveled a good half a mile, before I came to a clearing. The clearing was full of blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and other fruits. I stayed there picking fruits and berries for about thirty minutes.
'My bags are full now, so I should head back'. I wondered whether or not to stay a bit longer. Eventually I sat down deciding it wouldn't hurt to rest before I head out...

??? POV
"Well, well, welcome to the @#÷?*$, my name i-" , "that's a really crappy name dude" , "yeah if were gonna be villains why aren't we..." , " oh! I know~, why dont we call ourselves the *dramatic pause*  THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS~" , " yes, ok, fine we can go with that, now you all need names I know you can't use your own, so I'll give you time and the last one to name themselves will be transported to spy on a building being built for U.A." it takes the three teens a while but first one is the boy about 14-15, with pastel blue hair and red eyesthat keeps a bag with him, he tells me , "I want to go bye tomura shigaraki" interesting, he didnt change his name that much but it's still something, so I let it slide.
      The next one is the girl she's around 13 with orange/yellow cat like eyes and pastel (I think) yellow hair, she tells me "hii~ I'll just go by yoga hehe" unlike tomura she didnt even bother to change her name just use her first. That's unsettling.
     And last we have the other boy he's 15 he has red hair dyed black, peircings and scars all over(just the scars original spots not the peircings) with sky blue eyes, he says "I haven't found one yet but since I'm the last just teleport me and I'll try to come up with one while I'm spying" surprising. I have kurogiri warp him out of here and into the forest

Other ??? POV

'How much longer do I have to run' I'm crying and I'm exhausted, I'm running away from my dad because 'he's gone too far this time! Just because my quirk is weak and I cant control it doesnt mean I have to get beat for it!' I'm angry now ' I'm nine you psychopathic bastard!'I'm running so fast I dont even realize I almost run into someone "HEY WATCH OUT" someone yells from behind me. I feel someone grab me "are you ok" , 'ah... he has a sweet voice' I black out. not knowing what's gonna happen is scary.

Izuku POV

I'm resting my eyes and i hear so many things 'it's really nice in the forest' I think to myself. I hear lots of things right now but there are a few that strike me odd ' there's birds in the trees, animals on the ground, footsteps but they aren't walking, I hear the wind "folding' , " HEY WATCH OUT", that's my cue. I spring up and grab the person running 'glad I did, he could have fell on me' I ask him if he's ok, but I think he passes out.
"Is he ok?" The other person asked, I look at him, he has scars on his face, body, and arms 'wonder if he has any on his legs' and sky blue eyes just a few shades darker. I respond with " I think so he seems to have passed out" I look at the other boy and he has yellow hair and a black bolt in his hair 'strange... he's covered in sticky red stuff iv'e come to know as blood' he looks a bit my age 'even though I only can guess eight or seven I can't remember my age' i pout in my head before I talk to the, clearly older Male.

" I'm going to patch him up at my place would you like to come?" I dont get an immediate response but that's ok then he tells me, "I'm sure I can spare some time" I'm glad he trusts me.

Since I cant carry both the fruit and the yellow haired Male the other Male holds the boy and I hold the fruit. It... was a quite walk.


" -And here we are" I say the the two males, one still unconscious. "Please set him down over there on the cushions" I tell him, the older Male does as I say and sets him on the seats. "So we didnt actually talk but my name is izuku" I wait for an answer so when he doesnt give me any I ask, " and what about you?" 'I guess everyone in the forest has troubles because he just tensed up like a deer in front of headlights' ,
"uhm... I dont want my name so I'm Working on changing it" , 'well that... isnt what I expected him to say' It was awkward after that so I decided to start talking
"So, if your working on a name, what's your qiurk" he seemed a bit taken aback, and hesitant ' does he think his quirk is villainous?' ,
"My quirk is cremation." 'Ohh~, I dont know why he hesitated so I cant say I get it, but' , "cremation, huh? Interesting well..." suddenly a thought ran through my head 'dabi-ni-fusu... cremate the body' I decided I'd tell him about my thought
"Dabi-ni-fusu..." , "huh?" , "oh! Well, it means to cremate the body so we could shorten it and call you dabi", I continue on fixing up the other small boy in front of me as "dabi" thinks about the name. "Yeah... I like that" I smile at the answer he's given me.
"and done" i finish with the last wound with a stitch on the yellow haired boy. "Now all I have to do Is wait" 'oh that reminds me dabi said that he has spare time, what was he doing here in the first place?' "Hey dabi"

Dabi POV
"What were you doing in the forest anyway?" I flinch. Not because I was scared of him turning me in, not that my first mission would fail, but that if I told him, the boy that found my name, he would get hurt I've barely known the but but he looks around five or six 'what would he do if he found out I was a villain? Would he run, scream for help? Attack?, though it doesnt look like he could do much' so like any idiot I panic and blurt it all out.
"I was recruited into a villain organization, even though it's more to spite my flaming trash bag of a father I became a villain, and this is my first mission, to spy on a building called the USJ that we're going to attack at some point" I say a few other things that cause me to lose my breath so now I'm panting. 'Uh oh' he stands up and walks off ' oh shit what if he's running away should I catch and threaten him what do I do. What do I do. WHAT. DO. I . D- ah he's... back'
"Here you go dabi" he hands me a glass of water. " you seemed a bit out of breath after your rant" I stare at him surprised, 'hes acting as if I didnt just tell him I'm a villain'
"ah, your surprised, uhm well you see, I dont really care for society that much anymore I was left in the forest at four I'm eight now-" he continues talking but all i can hear are my own thoughts 'abandoned, Is that what he means? Wait he's EIGHT he's so short he looks five or six NOT eight!-'
"but I dont really care as long as no one hurts tategami or the forest, then I'm ok with them, speaking of, the building you mentioned is past the fruit clearing you found me by if you keep going straight from here" is he seriously ok with me being a villain?
"Hey I'll be coming bye ever few days or so would it be ok if we kept in touch" 'HUUUUUUUHH WHAT AM I SAYING...'I could endanger him if we keep in contact'
"Sure!" Izuku looks at me and smiles...' I'm pretty sure the sun would be ashamed if I could' his smile was so bright 'I should bring sunglasses next time' izuku walks off to get something and as he does the pikachu boy starts to wake up..." hey" I say.
1511 words whoop whoop! Major hop for me. Anyways
This is the end of part 1 in the next chapter will be mostly pikachu and izuku :)
I have started experimenting with different styles of writing i put a space comma space and then "------" as a transition to another person but i could also do it as an actual book like
"--------" player 1 asks player 3
"-----------------" player 2 answers for player 3 Rudely
Let me know even though nobody has seen this yet =>=

Bye~ have a great day, night dawn, dusk whatever, wherever

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