aizawa . kaminari

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(The song has nothing to do with the chapter it's just what I was listening to)

Aizawa POV

Class 1-a...'sigh* they're problem children. I have one that 'short circuits' everytime he overuses his quirk, another that refuses to use his fire, one with anger issues, and a lot more of the sort. I almost had a pervert in my class which would've been a pain in the ass.'
'Why did I even accept the job I work as a pro hero and I hate teenagers (who doesnt, aizawa)'

I'm walking to class with information on a trip that's going to happen in three weeks combined with class 1-b. I stop walking and remember what happened about five years ago 'I forgot about that kid' I start walking again otherwise I'll miss class entirely 'not that I would mind'
while still thinking about that Bush boy ' I've never seen him since then so maybe he went home? No, aizawa dont be stupid you cant be that dirty and have a home' I think about bushboy a bit more before I make it to my class. I open the door with a sigh
"Haah!? What'd you say pikachu!?" Katsuki...he's anger issues and pomeranians kid. Well I walk in and see Katsuki bakugou setting off his quirk in kaminaris face with a foot on the seat. ilda tenya doing his weird axe motion with his hands telling kastuki to "stop." and "this is not very hero like bakugou" and I can only wonder what happened to tensei's little brother for him to be so uptight.
Kirishima is in front of bakugou with his quirk on making him look like a moving 'stone' statue. Todoroki and shinso in the back watching with mostly uninterested eyes. Ashido supposedly taking a video and ochako floating in the air seemingly close to puking.

I use my quirk and was about to speak when I realised ochako was still floating so I grabbed her with my scarf and set her down in her seat. Bye the time I'm done with them I have a seething bakugou, a stressed ilda, smug kaminari
'though I think hes just happy he avoided bakugou blasts',
a disappointed todoroki and shinso, a sad ashido, and a puking ochako. so... I sigh.
"In a few weeks we are going to have a training trip to the beast's forest combined with class 1-b. It will be supervised by the wild wild pussycats team" everyone start to perk up and start to whisper and chatter.

I will never admit it but, while they are problem children, wben they're in my class they are MY problem children. I sigh again at my internal turmoil and lay down in my yellow cacoon.

To any one in the class it would look like I'm sleeping, but I'm actually observing everone. Bakugou is sitting in his seat with kirishima, sero, and ashido talking about the USJ. Todoroki and shinso are mostly uninterested in any conversation and only respond when talked to. Kaminari... surprisingly isnt talking to anyone and is on his phone.
'Well that's odd. Besides the fact that he short circuits when his quirk is overused, he is generally outgoing and loud, but right now he's being... NOT outgoing and loud. Hes on his phone but it seems like it's not a game but that he's texting someone.

Kaminari POV
I just got a text on my burner phone from the group (can you do groups on a burner phone?) Almost right after aizawa-sensie told us about the USJ, I already knew about the USJ from dabi. Right now he's texting us the details and it's not good.
Did u get news of the training trip yet pikachu?
Yup. Just now lol
-I'm still in class but the teacher just laid down 4 a nap even tho he's not actually napping.
Why the funk would Your teacher do that?
Why would u autocorrect?
-n e way it's just who he is.
the league wants me 2 set the forest on fire.
And he appears
Hey izuku
What do u mean set my forst on fire
'Oh dear God izuku we got you the phone like 1 year ago and you still cant type right' I chuckle abit at izuku's cuteness.
Yeah they want me 2 set the forest on fire as a distraction
-but if 1 of u can attack me and stop me that'd be great. also we're going to be bringing another nomu, stronger this time.
-kami u should know from the USJ the one with shock absorption and regeneration that fought all-might?
-well this 1 is different its arms are weaponized It still has an exposed brain so kami if u can get on the the nomu,and somehow electrocute it with your best then that should put it out, plus it'll piss handyman off so that's a bonus 4 me.
I can try but it means that I'll have 2 not use my quirk at any point b4 that.
Well then I'd have to stop you. -kami electrocutes big monster fit to fight all-might person, and that's that?
'That's better izuku but I'm pretty sure you just hurt Dabi's elaborate plan and pride down to a thousand pieces '
...yes, but it could get difficult we also want to kidnap someone but that's not important right now.
'...' ' seriously!?!?, not important!?!?!, you guys want to kidnap someone and you tell me NOT IMPORTANT' I think Dabi's sense of morals is a bit messed up.
I won't tell u who bc I agree with kidnapping them.😝
...Great thanks.😒
Well I have 2 go, class just ended. Ttyl?
K see ya. Yeah Sure if I can
Bye. and I'm free to talk to so sure, and sorry for the mistyped earlier I was in a fight.

Off chat pov
'Why and what was he fighting and texting at the same time?' I guess izuku is just that skilled. 'I wonder if he can train with me?' Thinking about izuku training with me is more scary than I thought it would be, so I just think about other stuff.
1034 words
Well I hope that suffices.
I finished this chapter at 2:35 a.m. after I had a mental breakdown from missing my brother. So as an insomniac and anxiety ridden parasite I am awake. But I hope you people out there enjoyed the chapter.

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