chapter... something

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Platypus are so FUCKING weird (this and the picture have nothing to do with the story)
Have fun I guess.

Aizawa pov

I had exited the room with kaminari and bush boy when all of a sudden bush boy questions
"Shouldn't someone stay in there with dabi?" Shoving a critical eye in the boys direction, I think for a moment before talking to kaminari. "Kaminari go get shinsou and monoma" having not bothered for a reaction from the boy I head off to the back exit, hearing the soft padding of footsteps I know the bush boy is following.
After a few minutes in the forest he turnes to me and starts talking.
" sorry about when we first met" bush boy trails off and continues to walk. It takes me a moment to think about what he is talking about but then a scene rushes to my head, subconsciously my hand reaches over to my side.
"Oh right, by the way how did you learn that?" The boy gives me a questioning glance seeming to not know what im talking about. " that kick you gave me" I said, probably coming off a lot harsher than I meant to, but he didnt seem afected and in stead gave me his reply.
" well I never learned from anywhere it was more on reflex than anything.." by now we had enters a spacious spot in the forest where fruits and a small clear pebbled river ran through the clearing.
'The river looks hand made, did he do this?' I think. It seems the boy had lived here for a long time if that's the case. The boy seems to have stopped and is looking around.
'Oh no' "you didn't get lost did you?" I asked concerned we wouldn't be able to leave as easily as we entered. He stops and lookes at me with a face that says
"do you always ask stupid questions like that" but he replies with "no, we aren't lost" holding out his arm, a snake flys.. leaps? Glides? Something like that, from one of the branches of a tree, to his arm, and slithers up to be around his neck. Gesturing for us to continue bush boy walks past the small river and into the forest once again.
After about thirty-eight minutes the creature I recognise as a maned wolf appears and the boy greeted it saying. "Hello tategami how was your patrol?" The wolf in question growl-barks its response, but bush boy seems to smile happily at the response.
It was a comfortable silence for a few minutes more but it quickly got uncomfortable, at least it was for me. "So how old are you?" I start off, he glances at me questioningly, but he doesn't stop walking when answering. "I'm 14. Why?"
Ok i'll admit that caught me off gaurd he was so small I was sure he was at least a year or two younger. Any way, onto the next question.
"No reason..Whats your name? I forgot" (I actually forget if he told him or not) I mumbled the last part as I didn't want him knowing that I may have forgot.
"Izuku." Came his reply. Short and simple. Almost like him, hah! (Im sorry) just as I was about to ask the next question he stops, looks at me and says.
"We're here" pointing to what I thought would be a cottage or something was a plane.
A crashed plane. The right wing having been broken from colliding with a tall large tree, tilting to the left a bit, almost as though the pilot was trying to avoid the tree. The nose of the plane buried in a mound of dirt with the tail pointing to the sky. The left wing must have created a crevice in the earth, to which Izuku must have lined with (clean) stone, and created a slight elelectricity-producing water system. The water being recycled over and over again flawlessly without the help of technology. Underneath the right wing is a door in the tree.
Izuku walks over to the tree waving me over to continue following him. Going inside the tree, I can now tell that there had been a space in between two canopies hiding the small treehouse.
"Sit here, I'll go get my stuff" said Izuku. He walked of to what I assume was his room leaving me alone. I begin to look at the surrounding house.
It seemed to be built pretty sturdily, a fluffy blue and black carpet on the floor. The furniture seems to have been carved, a set of three chairs, a table, and a hole in the outer wall for a glassless window. The couch seems to be the seats of the plane stitched together and stuffed with... something.
The walls seemed to be just a thick layer of the tree, thick enough for living and insulation. A fluffy animal skin lays in the corner, Tategami having occupied that space. The snake having slithered off elsewhere, I'm left to just wait for Izuku. . .

"I'm ready, we can leave now" Izuku says entering the room with a small bag made of fibers unknown (I dont know why but that sounds like a badass company). It had been quite a few minutes and I had gotten relatively comfy, so it was a bit of a shame. But instead I respond with.
" right, Lets get going then."

Kaminari pov

Its been almost an hour and forty-five minutes since Izuku and Aizawa left. Dabi had woken up sometime in the forty minute mark but when he saw me, shinso, and monoma he layed back down and went to sleep. The bastard betrayed me! We had spent the moments after that in uncomfortable silence, until monoma desided to speak up.
" I cant believe a class 1-a bastard was in contact with a villain" and he said that with a patronizing glare, and a smirking face, basically he looked at me condescendingly. But I had nothing to say, afterall what he said was the truth. I was in contact with dabi, but it wasnt for traitorous reasons. Before I could say anything shinso spoke up and said.
"We might as well let him explain, monoma" yes, shinso was also glaring at me. It seemed that even though shinso went into 1-a with us, he was still on good terms with the 1-b class. "Well? Why dont you explain kaminari." Again shinso glares, I know I had hurt his trust so I tell them, after all that's what going to happen soon anyways.
"Well here's how it started..."

Bakugou pov

Aizawa sensei left mind control, dunce face, and some 1-b bastard with that burnt up villain. But that's not my concern. Those four could burn in hell for all I care (dont lie to yourself bakugou). No my main consern was the small green bush boy aizawa brought with him. Those two had left through the back door and I wasn't able to follow them. Was I stalking and eavesdropping before? No absolutly not. I dont give a fuck if you say I - bakugou! Fourth wall damnit!-
That boy reminded me of something and I couldn't place it. So now I'm fucking pissed. I've stalked back to the living room over to shitty hair, sitting down not bothering to warn him. Sitting slightly on his lap I make sure to avaid any eye contact. Avoiding pinky's knowing eyes, avoiding earphone's deadpan stare. Avoiding sparkle's stare... wait. He's not staring at me, what the hell is he stareing at? Shitty hair -ever the oblivious fuck- just says. " hey bakubro, you know there's more seats right?"
Before I can answer we hear the front door open. It isn't to hard to open, being a sliding door and all, but it was wierd because we had it locked under the vlad bastard's order. Stareing at the door we see a tall ass fox thing.

Narrative pov
(With Izuku and Aizawa)

Izuku had sent Tategami up ahead, much to the hero's confusion. When Aizawa asked why, he only got a blank, minute long stare before Izuku continued off without saying anything. Izuku thought the hero wasn't very observant if he didnt notice that he had put the smaller yet heavy-ish bags on Tategami, leaving the both of them with more energy as The wolf could hold more weight then the two could, and still be more agile.
They've passed the fruit garden (the open space in the forest) and are almost. back out of the forest and into the Training Camp's property line. Having nothing relative to talk about the two walk in comfortable silence

With some of the more unsavory characters the scene goes something like this.
"You lost him?"
"It was an eventfull evening. I didn't know I didn't get him."
"How did you not know you didn't have him!" The mist flinches.
" everyone almost got caught! I know he was important, but I know you wouldn't want to lose everyone on this team right!?" The mist replys trying to apease the man.
"..." there is no instant response, the man is thinking then.
"Very well then, I'll contact my insider for any news on Dabi"

1544 words.

I know this was a bit shorter than usual, but i'm gonna try to get on a schedule. I've said before I have none and that i'm reletivly free most of the time. But i've started to slip in my studies. And i'm trying to get back into a real school and I need good grades. I wont go on haitus although it seems like I have already, but I wont.
The reason I'm saying this is because I seriously messed up on the discord announcement. I was being silly and rushed. The server is truelly more for announcing when i'll be busy and when I might update. While I do want people to talk, i'd rather it be about cool stories read on wattpad or something. I said the "sad" stuff because I feel I need to talk. Anyway im trying to get a schedule going i'll tell everyone in discord my plans. So you might aswell join it.
Step one if you dont have discord download it set it up.
Step two copy the link from wattpad, to discord and paste.
Have fun platypuses

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