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Yo wassup platypuses I'm back! oddly enough my motivation to work on and finish this chapter was me getting bit as I tried to pry my fighting dogs apart (cease any worries they are fine, relatively.)

Narrator POV

"Hi" it says, the boy responds easily as though there was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Hello, which are you?" He asks, because whatever it is that's in front of him is not a natural creature.
"Oh?" It smiles, its an ugly and unnatural smile, but it shows no teeth "well I guess you will just have to find out". The boy nods his head solemnly, his eyes drift off to the surrounding room. Dark red shelving, filled with an assortment of books, lines the wall to his right. To his left windows line the top of the wall and a small counter with various snacks and nice smelling beverages a drawer labeled 'do not touch' built near its desk, which rests in front of him, pale blue metal lockers are along the wall behind the creature. Feeling the couch beneath him, it's a soft velvety like couch.

A knock on the door behind him stops the boy from looking around. Peering behind himself the boy sees aizawa.
"Izuku, nedzu" he greets the two before sitting down himself.
"Aizawa-kun, glad you could join us" nezu replied.

Aizawa plants himself close to izuku, slumping comfortably on the couch.
"I still have a class to teach" he grumbles, " and you could've waited until after school got out" aizawa states as an after thought.
"That wouldn't be very fun now would it, aizawa" nezu's beady eyes narrow as he grins. "Now since almost all of you are here, sans tsukuachi, would you like some tea?" Nezu asks the both of them.

Aizawa shakes his head and says no, while izuku questions "what is tea?" Nezu's head whips so fast towards izuku it could have fallen off, his paws on the desk as he stand on the books in his seat. He seems affronted.

"You don't know what tea is?" Nezu inquires, "well, you'll just have to learn the wonders of tea, and its qualiteas" Nezu chuckles at his joke. "You can join me every so often after school then." Sombering up, nezu looks to aizawa, "since izuku here is under your guardianship, how do you wish to house him?" Tampering off, before giving his suggestions "would you like him to live in your off campus apartment, or the one on campus. Of course after the attack on the camp I am planning on adding a student dormitory, which he could live in after its built."

"My understanding is that izuku knew dabi at the camp and with the rehab you're implementing for dabi, I'd rather have izuku live in the staff appartmemt with me until the student dorms are built, since dabi will also be staying there." Aizawa pauses, glancing at izuku who at some point in the short while had fallen asleep. "I dont like izuku being around a villain, but izuku will probably feel uncomfortable or unsafe without someone he knows."

"But he seemed to know kaminari aswell, am I wrong?" Nezu questions, although he already knew the answer. Before aizawa can respond a ding from nezu's computers hushes all conversation. "Ohh, it appears tsukuachi has finally made it!" Nezu gleams, typing a passcode to allow him entrance.

Ten minutes later a knock on the door breaks the silence that had come. With nezu responding appropriately, the door was opened.

"Hello shota, nezu-san" tsukuachi greets calmly.

"Naomasa, hi.", "greeting! Glad you could make it, detective" the two respond, their answers varying in enthusiasm.

Glancing at the sleeping boy tsukuachi's smile slips from his face. Looking years older than he is, and ready for many pots of coffee, tsukuachi speaks.

"This is the lad then, correct?" Gaining a nod from both parties he continues, addressing aizawa personally. "These are the papers you'll need to take guardianship of him most are already filled out, and just need your signature" he says as he hands over a Manila folder. "And this," he holds up another folder before tossing it onto the coffee table "is the statements from all the students on the attack at the camp. Kaminari seemed a bit off, during his interview I'd keep close watch on him" aizawa eyes the folder, leaving it for a later date. Instead he opts to open the folder in his hands.

Inside is the boys birth certificate, medical record which stops at around 4 years old and starts again with a myriad of issues at age 15, school transcripts despite being abysmal in information and only up to kindergarten, of course.
'he seemed to be a smart boy then, but he'll need to be caught up in a lot of things' aizawa thought before continuing.

Papers on the parental situation.
Father: Hisashi last name unknown (alive)
mother: inko midoriya (alive, hospitalized)
officially divorced on 9th of February 21xx.

The father has been contacted after the finding and hospitalization of Izuku Midoriya, and had requested for visitation but not custody rights, and for him, izuku mdoriya, not to be placed with Inko, testifying that she had abandoned izuku midoriya into 'the beast's forest' as a means to get rid of him, hisashi stated she referred to him multiple times as it, and thing. He was then properly notified of his former wife's condition in the hospital, as well as her police record. Thereafter he was assured izuku midoriya would not be going into the custody of inko midoriya, and that due to the circumstances of him being found he would be in the custody of an unspecified pro hero. The man seemed put off by this but complied to the condition of supervised visitation nonetheless.

No information was recorded off of inko midoriya due to hospital regulations. However she is be monitored closely. She is not to have contact unless asked by the boy himself, in that case the conversation is to be supervised by two police and the fostering hero, as well as recorded.

Once he was done reading he moved into the other papers. They were standard adoption papers and some other miscellaneous work relating to the boy. Grabbing a pen aizawa begins signing the papers before pausing in shock. As he could look bothering directions aizawa has to turn his head to glower at both the men in the room raising the pen and saying. " seriously? These are official document papers." Naomasa's shocked face has aizawa now glaring at only nezu. Nezu who is smirking knowingly.
"Why I thought its be nice, the boy needs some nice thing doesnt he?" Aizawa eye twitched but instead said
"he does, but he's not gonna be putting these up on his wall" nezu did a short little hum of thought and said
"we could make a copy! Then he could put it on his wall" nezu seemed to be hold back a snicker. If his shaking shoulders say anything, he was.
" it's not gonna help anything if these documents need to do into the government's files." Nezu feigned shock and gasped
"Well what do you want me to do!" As he grinned. Aizawa looks at him a moment before saying bluntly.
"Give me a new pen." Nezu frowned mockingly
"I'm sorry aizawa, all my pens seemed to have run out" aizawa grumbles and faces naomasa, whose face is a deep red, his puffy cheeks have small tear tracks running down them. Aizawa rolls his eyes before saying
"You're not gonna be any help are you?" Naomasa bursts out laughing crouching down to catch his breath and as he inhales saliva speeds down his throat making him choke. Aizawa gleams before gloating and says.
"Hah, good I hope you choke." Aizawa's sadistic pleasure soon ceases as naomasa regains his composure, and, ignoring his friend's comment, says
"No I honestly dont have another pen." Aizawa glares down at the offending pen before sighing and saying

"I'm just gonna bring my own pen's now, you two cant be trusted" as he begins to fill the blanks with glittery purple ink

1361 words.

Hello I am alive, obviously, I've responded to your guys comments. N e ways, gonna go brainstorm some more chapters. Also question: can one go into the taxidermy profession without higher education such as trade school or college?

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