Chapter 1: Round One

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3rd POV

Crowds are cheering in the stands with visitors from all over the world. In the field of volcanic earth and icy glaciers below, Ruby fires and swings her at an off-screen target as Blake exchanges blows with Reese, the blades of gambol shroud colliding with the hoverboard of her opponent until she flips away, readies herself, and charges in again. Behind her, Weiss waves Myrtenaster as the sound of her mystical power is heard, and finally Yang dodges the explosive force of Arslan's fist before returning fire with her own. Team STAR were watching from the stands cheering their friends and girlfriends on.


(Y/N): WOOOOO!! *excitedly*

Bruce: You're in a much better mood than you were earlier kid.

Callie: Punch his teeth in Yang!!!

(Y/N): Of course I am, my girlfriend and her team are currently wiping the floor with these guys! Why wouldn't I be?


Callie: Are you trying to paint a target on your back if we have to face them in our exhibition matches?

Price: So what if I am? *sees Arslan land a hit on Yang* MY PET TURTLE PUNCHES HARDER THAN YOU ARSLAN!

Callie: You have a pet turtle?

Price: HAD a pet turtle. Rest in peace Raphael.....*looks up to the sky in sadness*

(Y/N): Price, knock it off, we're representing Beacon here whether we're on the battlefield or not so dial back the trash talk. *looks back to Bruce* And yes I am happy about that.


Team STAR walk out of the elevator inside Professor Ozpin's office. The Headmaster of Beacon looks up from his scroll and greets them.

Ozpin: Ahh yes. Team STAR, thank you for coming to meet with me on such short notice.

(Y/N): It's no trouble sir. It's Professor Port rambling on about his youth again in class. I'm sure we won't miss much.

Ozpin: Sounds about right.

Bruce: So why have you called us up here?

Ozpin: Very well, straight to the point then. As you know, we had no choice but to deem you ineligible for the tournament due to Mr. Thompson's and Mr. (L/N)'s medical conditions following the breach in Vale.

(Y/N): I know the nurse said I should baby myself for a few more days but with all due respect sir, I've been feeling better than ever since getting out of that crappy wheelchair. I know it has only been a day since then but come on!

Price: Yeah and my grogginess and drowsiness went away the day before that. Are you sure you can't just make an exception and let us in?

Ozpin: Unfortunately I can't. If I were to let an extra team into the tournament it would cause a major fuss between the academies visiting us for the tournament. As the headmaster of the host academy I cannot let you in as a late entry because then it would make it look like I am favoring my own school and students to win with any kind of advantage I can give them.

Callie: I mean, you do have a point....

Price: I still think its dumb that we have to basically sit on our asses while everyone else gets to have all the fun.....

Ozpin: That's not entirely true Mr. Thompson.

Price: What do you mean?

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