Chapter 4: A Brawl in a Small Town (Team STAR vs Team BRNZ)

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Amity Coliseum (Y/N)'s POV

We woke up the next morning to get ready for today's matches. Price and I were up until 2:30 in the morning installing the new code lock on the building. I sent a quick message to Professor Ozpin letting him know what happened but he casually wrote the whole incident off as something that wasn't too big of a deal right now. Good for us then since we sorta had to change a few things to their building back there.

Our first match today was against Team BRNZ who were eliminated by Team JNPR. Our match with them is being scheduled as the opening match before the doubles round begins. Then after one or two matches in the doubles round, we would face off against Team NDGO. Both teams requested for it to be a doubles match so being the host school, we naturally obliged. It was pretty convenient for us since Price and I wanted to rest a bit more after our little encounter last night.

Emerald and Mercury......there is not something right about those two. But then again, I guess Emerald put it best the other day "Really socially awkward." I still don't fully believe they were in there to bang like a pair of bunnies in heat. They were looking for something. Only question is what......

I get shaken out of my thoughts as we were back in the tunnel that led to the arena. Bruce was snapping his fingers in front of my face to get my attention.

Bruce: Hey Kid! You still alive in there?

(Y/N): Wha? Oh. Yeah. Sorry.... I was lost in thought. Plus I'm still trying to wake up honestly.

Bruce: Don't worry about it kid. Just make sure you and Price are ready to go when you have to fight Team NDGO.

(Y/N): Don't worry Bruce. We'll be fine.

Bruce started making a last minute check with Grimm Buster while Callie extended Sky Vault. We decided that we would have Bruce and Callie team up against BRNZ and Price and I would square off with NDGO. Bruce and Callie specialize in close quarters combat so we decided to level the playing field that way since Brawnz Ni and Roy Stallion were going to be our opponents.

As Bruce and Callie turn to walk into the arena. Price and I give them one last fist bump before we left for the stands.

(Y/N): Good luck you two.

Price: Yeah make them bleed for it!

Callie: Thanks guys.

Price and I begin working our way back to the stands. As we walk along the gangway to find some seats. I look up to see Jaune and Nora calling us.

Jaune: Hey guys over here!

Nora: We saved you two some seats!

We sit down next to them and look down to the fight that was about to get started. The biome roulette wheels began spinning for the environment that Bruce and Callie would be fighting Brawnz and Roy in. After about a minute of the roulette spinning through the biome list, our team's side fell on the desert biome while Team BRNZ's side fell on the abandoned city biome.

Meanwhile my mind was flashing back to my meeting with Winter that I had right before we left for today's matches.

FLASHBACK - Early This Morning

3rd POV

Winter and (Y/N) were sitting across from one another in the dorm building's lounge area. Winter was sipping some tea while (Y/N) held a cup of coffee in his hand, still half asleep from staying up later than he planned.

Winter: So....(Y/N). You are currently in a relationship with my little sister, correct?

(Y/N): That's right Miss Schnee.

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