Chapter 10: Heroes & Monsters (Southern Cross VS. The Wyvern)

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In the Beacon vault, an elevator opens up to reveal Ozpin, Jaune, and Pyrrha. The three immediately sprint out of the elevator and down the corridor.

Jaune: What is this place?

Pyrrha: It's... a type of vault.

Jaune: You've... been here before?

Pyrrha looks away from him.

Jaune: What would this school need to... hide?

Finally seeing the Aura transfer machine, Jaune stops in his tracks, gazing wide-eyed at the strange contraption and the comatose girl inside.

Jaune: What? Who?

Pyrrha: Jaune...

Ozpin: Pyrrha! Get to the pods!

Pyrrha looks at Jaune, then runs to the second pod.

Ozpin: Mister Arc, if you'd like to help, you can stand guard here. Team STAR is too pre-occupied with the chaos above us to act as our defense.

Jaune looks at the two with uncertainty, then turns around and gets into a guarding stance.

Pyrrha: What do we do now?

Ozpin: *Typing on the machine's hologram keyboard* We, do nothing.

The second pod opens, and Ozpin turns his head to look at Pyrrha.

Ozpin: You, Miss Nikos... have a choice to make.

Pyrrha looks at the pod, then at Jaune, hesitating. Her expression changes from uncertainty to sadness, and she wipes a tear from her eye, still looking at Jaune. She then climbs into the pod, which closes.

Back to the fighting going on above them. (Y/N), with the help of Weiss thanks to Battle Bond, was about to fight off another Paladin. He walks up to the paladin with resolve and the Schnee emblem appears beneath his feet.

(Y/N): Alright tin head, you're next.....

The paladin fires its guns at him but (Y/N) dashes to the side out of the way before accelerating even faster towards the Paladin with glypths forming with every step he took. As he makes his big dash, (Y/N) pulls out Heart and Soul and quickly shifts them into their katana modes. He jumps into the air and another glypth forms behind him. He lands on it and launches himself directly at the Paladin and extends his arms out with Heart and Soul held out. Heart lights up with lightning dust and Soul immediately radiates fire with fire dust in their respective chambers.

(Y/N) makes a slice straight through and flies to the other end of the makeshift battlefield. Turning himself around to face the robot, he kneels on the ground and stabs both Heart and Soul into the ground. A glyph quickly appears around each blade and begin to spin rapidly as (Y/N) shut his eyes and tried to concentrate while the robot was picking itself back up. Sparks were flying everywhere as the robot tried to continue the battle with the massive amount of damage it took from (Y/N)'s first attack alone.

A (f/c) beowolf and a (f/c) griffon appear out of the two glyphs (Y/N) had created. (Y/N) suddenly stands back up and opens his eyes and points his katanas at his robotic opponent.


The beowolf and griffon obey their new master and charge at the robot as (Y/N) stands behind and watches his handiwork. The beowolf lunges at the robot and takes a bite of its left arm and rips it right off. The paladin didn't have time to react fast enough to counter with its right arm as the griffon latches on to that arm as well and begins trying to lift it off the ground. (Y/N) holds his right arm out and begins to manipulate the gravity around the paladin which causes it to start getting hoisted off the ground by the griffon and (Y/N)'s original semblance.

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