Chapter 11: End of The Beginning

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Another silence follows after (Y/N) makes the call nobody expected to hear. This lasts for another minute before Price finally speaks up.

Price: Are you out of your mind?!? We haven't even tested it! You said it yourself there was a huge wild card factor thrown into the equation upon firing it! It's too dangerous!

Callie: I'm with Price on this one. We still have the laser weapons on the turret car. We can fight back with that!

(Y/N): Callie.... Our turret car is currently on fire and is growing in intensity! It won't be long before we will have to jettison the second half of the train out of self preservation!

Bruce: Plus if we shoot at that grimm using our main battery, we run the risk of blowing ourselves up in the process.

Price: The same thing can happen to us if we fire the Matrix Cannon anyway!

(Y/N): It's either we use the Matrix Cannon or we lose our home! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not giving it up without a fight! And if we don't stop this threat at the academy, it will then spread over into Vale!

Price rubs his forehead in frustration while Callie says nothing and watches the argument with an unreadable neutral expression. The gears were turning in her head about all the possible outcomes. Bruce, however, made up his mind quicker than everyone thought.

Bruce: The kid is right...

Price and Callie look up in surprise.

Bruce: It's either we go all in or we are all out. I'm all for the cannon.

(Y/N) nods his head in response and then looks over towards Price and Callie.

(Y/N): What about you two?

Price: *sighs* I still think this is a bad idea but we are already in deep shit as it is....

He pauses to consider his next words while the rest of STAR wait for him to continue.

Price: Ya know what? Screw it. Let's light that bitch up.

(Y/N): Callie?

Callie looks around at her teammates in worry. She then sighs and accepts defeat knowing it was now impossible to change any of their minds.

Callie: You guys wouldn't listen to me anyway if I tried to stop you so let's just get it over with.

(Y/N): Alright then. It's unanimous. Here's what we need to do. Callie, Bruce, run back to the caboose and transfer the auxiliary power to the engine. Once your done, do the same for the main battery in the turret car. Price, you and I will get the engine ready.

Bruce: You got it kid.

Callie: Alright....

As Callie turns to leave and climbs across the tender, (Y/N) grabs Bruce by the shoulder and whispers into his ear. Bruce nods his head in response and turns to take his leave. (Y/N) and Price take their seats in the cab and begin the prep work. They exchange a look and only nod to each other.

(Y/N) adjusts the off track steering levers, turning the train around to head right back for the Wyvern. He carefully aligns the Southern Cross with the center of the Wyvern. He pulls back the throttle and slows the train down as they begin to start their final approach.

Bruce and Callie make their way through the train. They quickly sprint through the turret car and barely make it out safely. They soon reach the caboose after running through the now empty ammo car. Callie walks her way across and inside the caboose. Right after Callie clears the doorway, Bruce grabs hold of the door and slams it shut. Callie looks back in alarm and sees Bruce jamming the door shut.

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