Chapter 6: The Beginning of the End

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3rd POV

After saving the super computer at his desk from the virus that attempted to counter hack into its system, (Y/N), Price, Lyla, and Callie were discussing over what had happened. Callie was still sitting in (Y/N)'s chair while Price and (Y/N) sat on the beds with Lyla occupying the computer screen. They were all lost in thought trying to make sense of what just transpired.

(Y/N): That's all you could dig up?

Callie: We cross referenced all over both Beacon and Haven's databases and archives and only came out with background information on Mercury. I couldn't even begin to actually look at info for Cinder if there was any.

(Y/N): Anything to add Lyla?

Lyla: While I was able to discover info surrounding Mr. Black and his father, the rest of their student profiles were rather vague. They all hailed from Mistral and they are attending Haven Academy in their second year. The weapons they use are shown, but semblances and any personal info outside of Mercury are non-existent.

(Y/N): That's a start but its not enough. Incomplete files won't garner anyone's attention...

Price: What about Mercury? You said his father was an assassin right? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.

(Y/N): Yeah but do we even know if he's killed anyone?

Lyla: Unfortunately not. There are no criminal records for any of them either.

(Y/N): Considering they are supposed to be huntsman I wouldn't expect them to have any.

Callie: So what do we do now?

(Y/N): We have no choice but to keep observing. Until we have solid proof, we don't have a case to present to Ozpin.

Lyla: But what about the virus that resulted when I tried to look up Cinder's info? It was just a black queen chess piece that quickly took up the whole screen. It almost compromised the super computer!

(Y/N): You do have a point.... When did it appear again?

Callie: As soon as I had Lyla begin scanning for any information related to Cinder.

Price: I'm no expert but it sounds like we pissed somebody off and they wanted to make sure we didn't find something they would rather not have people see.

(Y/N): My thinking exactly. If we got stopped the way we did, then that means we are on the right track. Too bad I didn't get the chance to search for the true origin of that might have helped us.

Price: Nothing we can do about it now since you and Lyla seemed to have purged the virus from your super computer.

(Y/N): I think we should-


Team STAR turns around to hear someone knocking on the door. They exchange a quick glance with each other before (Y/N) walks to the door. He opens it to find Qrow standing on the other side with his flask in his hand.

(Y/N): Qrow? What brings you here?

Qrow: Professor Ozpin wants to have a word with you.

(Y/N): Us?

Qrow: No. Just you.

(Y/N): Mind telling me what this is about? We're kind of sorting out a small situation here.

Qrow: I'll fill ya in later. He specifically requested for just you and only you.

(Y/N): *sighs* Alright then.

(Y/N) turns to his teammates as they look at him with concern.

(Y/N): You guys head back to Amity and keep an eye on things. Anything crazy or out of the ordinary comes up I want to know about it.

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