Chapter 5: Hacking with Extreme Prejudice

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(Y/N)'s POV

We had just finished watching Bruce and Callie win their match. Right after that, Emerald and Mercury went to face off against Coco and Yatsuhashi. My god that match was tough to watch. I'll give those two one thing, they straight up curb stomped Team CFVY. That fight barely lasted 5 minutes if that. I've yet to see what kind of semblance Mercury has up his sleeve but there is definitely something up with Emerald's. Judging by what little I saw of her bout with Coco, I can tell she had Coco disoriented and confused beyond recognition. I don't know what it is but I have a feeling I'm gonna need to find out what is going on and fast.

Half of Emerald's attacks Coco didn't even see coming and that was probably one of the few times I have seen her almost lose her cool in general. It was so disturbing that I had to pull my team into a private meeting in a more isolated part of Amity so that nobody would hear our conversation.

(Y/N): You guys saw every bit of that fight right?

Bruce: Yup. And I don't like it.

Price: How could we not see what went down? Coco was losing her marbles. Since when does that ever happen?

Callie: Like never! I even talked to Velvet about it briefly and she didn't know what to say herself.

(Y/N): What about Fox?

Price: The guy doesn't even speak but I'm pretty sure he's on the same page as the rest of us.

Bruce: Didn't you have an accidental encounter with their team?

(Y/N): Just three of them. It was only brief cause I had to be at the library but it was odd enough to make me raise an eyebrow.

Price: That little break in at the shop isn't doing them any favors for my book if I'm being honest here.

(Y/N): My thinking exactly.

Bruce: We're also forgetting to mention one minor detail here...

Callie: Like what?

Bruce: Mercury and Emerald moped the floor with Team CFVY right?

Price: *rolls eyes* Obviously....

Bruce: Well a little after we got back from our Team CFVY rescue mission, Jaune told me about what we missed out on in class. Not long after we left class, Pyrrha accepted Mercury's original challenge.

Callie: That must have been brutal to watch.....

Bruce: That's the thing, Pyrrha "beat" him..... They only fought each other for barely a minute before he declared forfeit out of nowhere before basically telling her that she was a far superior fighter and didn't want to continue.

(Y/N): Say what??

Bruce: You heard me.

Price: Wait wait wait! Hold the damn phone! You mean to tell us that Mr. Footloose out there pussied out against Pyrrha? The same guy that helped kick the shit out of Team CFVY like they were ragdolls?

Bruce: That's right.

Price: Bullshit! No way that could be true!

Callie: But Pyrrha is one of the best if not the best fighter at Beacon! Besides (Y/N) there is maybe only a very small handful of people that can hold their own against her and have a chance of victory!

(Y/N): No. Wait. He's on to something....

Price/Callie: He is?

(Y/N): Think about it. They've done nothing but show unusual behavior. And while I would write some of that off as being just straight up bizarre, I've been having a bad feeling about their team since they got here and now I can't ignore it. Between the break in and the fights with Pyrrha and CFVY, something is up and we need to figure out what it is.

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