Chapter 2: Rumble in the Jungle (Team STAR vs Team ABRN)

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(Y/N)'s POV

As soon as Port and Oobleck began the next two matches, I had a pretty good idea of who we would be facing off against in our future matches. On one hand I was kinda excited, but on the other, I was also trying to figure out what we were gonna do strategy-wise.

Team JNPR ended up mopping the floor against Team BRNZ which wasn't a surprise there. Between Jaune's tactical prowess, Nora's overall strength and fire power, Ren's speed, and Pyrrha's combat experience, I wasn't surprised they won in the end. What did surprise me however, was when the fight suddenly stopped and Jaune's improvised team strategy huddle along with named combination attacks went completely out the window. Sorry Jaune, but some things just were not meant to be. Although I'll give them one thing, the confusion that resulted from it all allowed Nora to get the knock out hit to win the match. I mean, she literally nailed all four of them at once. I just hope they aren't too badly hurt from that.

The one thing that caught my attention was May Zedong and her sniper rifle. She will be a huge problem if we end up with a biome that will favor a sniper's battle tactics. I know Price can out shoot May and has way better accuracy than her, but Price works mostly with assault rifles. She will need to be taken out quickly so her other teammates don't have covering fire to assist them in fighting the rest of us. I'm going to need to talk to Price about this later....

Another team we'll have to face is Team NDGO. I don't know how they did it. But freaking Sun and Neptune managed to pull it off even with Neptune screwing around due to his fear of the water. There is not much too surprising about Team NDGO. Although I'll expect them to have some kind of trick up their sleeves.

After the two matches and some intermission time between matches, Team ABRN decided they were feeling good enough to take a whack at us. So now me and the rest of my team are in a locker room putting our gear on. I just put Heart and Soul into their holsters on both sides of my waist before turning to address my teammates. Callie was making some last minute adjustments to Sky Vault while Price and Bruce were both loading dust rounds and dust cartridges into Maverick Striker and Grimm Buster.

(Y/N): guys ready?

Bruce: I am. But I must say, they recovered pretty quick from their fight with the girls.

Price: Either they naturally recover pretty quickly or their gonna be running on adrenaline and frustration for losing to them that badly.

Callie: Price can you stop the trash talk for this fight? I'm pretty sure they are already planning to take you out first out of spite.

Price: How would you know that?

Callie: Call it a hunch.... If Blake could hear ya in the stands then I imagine someone from ABRN had to have heard you...

Price: *sighs* Okay, I guess you do have a point.

Bruce: So what's the game plan for these guys?

(Y/N): Alright team. Here's how we'll play this. Since we don't know what type of environments we will be throwing down in, all we can do is pick an opponent and go for least for this match. I'll take care of Reese and her board. If anyone can keep up with her it will be me. Price, you got Nadir. Callie, you got Bolin. Bruce, you got Arslan.

Callie: So basically, we're fighting fire with fire in a sense?

(Y/N): Exactly.

Price: Bold move but I kinda dig it....

(Y/N): Try to keep the fighting contained to only a small part of the area. As soon as I take care of Reese, get into positions for the final blow.

We all nod in agreement before walking out of the locker room and proceeding through the tunnel to the battlefield. Bruce looks down at the ground staring off into space. I reach out to him to see what's wrong.

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