Epilogue: The Matrix Conspiracy

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6 months later.......

Weiss's POV

I'm sitting in my room watching TV. With Father not asking me of anything and Whitley being his usual self, I felt it would be best to just keep to myself for a little while. Klein still checks on me occasionally, which is nice since I've always considered him to be more of a father than my own.

It's been months since Beacon fell, Father forcefully bringing me home, Team RWBY splitting up, and Team STAR's disappearance. I haven't heard from any of the gang back at Beacon since I left. I really miss them. Worst of all, I miss (Y/N). Why did he have to go out and face that giant monstrosity that was that Wyvern?!? There's no way he can be dead! They never found any bodies let alone any kind of wreckage! Granted Winter and Atlas military personnel confiscated the caboose and whatever was left of the turret and ammunition cars but even that doesn't truly mean anything!

I don't know the full details as to what happened beforehand, but apparently the boys forced Callie off by locking her in the caboose and decoupling it before activating the Matrix Cannon. I still remember hearing (Y/N) give his sister the ultimatum he announced over a megaphone from the engine's cab. The cannon though.....I now know why (Y/N) called it an absolute last resort. The energy blast was big enough to level half of Beacon!! The roar and whine of the charging of the cannon was louder than the average jet engines you hear from an Atlas airship. If I hadn't covered my ears I might have lost hearing!

A few months ago I tried reaching out to Callie. Poor girl. To avoid any unneeded conflicts with Father, I asked Klein to borrow his scroll to call her. I didn't get an answer. I tried again and her mother picked up. At first she was hesitant to talk to me since I had to tell her who was calling but after some convincing and story telling on my end I was surprisingly able to get her to be more civil and cooperative with me. According to her mother, Callie has been in rough shape since the boys ejected her from the Southern Cross. The disappearance of the boys hit her hard and she was refusing to talk to anyone including her family half of the time. I haven't heard anything more since then and that was three months ago.....

Team STAR's disappearance has been one of the news media's favorite subjects to debate about since Beacon fell. Between Beacon staff trying to rebuild our school, controlling the grimm situation at Beacon as well as around Vale, the media loves coming up with wild and absurd conspiracy theories as to what happened to Team STAR. I swear it's as if they have nothing better to report on!!

I turn my attention back to my TV mounted on the wall. It was playing some reality show I watched from time to time. I start flipping through channels until I come across a local Atlas and Mantle news network. They were just finishing up with some news report about the rising tensions between the kingdoms. I then immediately turned up the volume cause I knew what they were going to talk about next....and of course, as usual, I was right.

News Reporter 1: Moving on to what is now become known as one of the greatest mysteries in Remnant's recent history, Atlas and Vale authorities remain puzzled regarding the disappearance of three huntsman in training and their one of a kind train, The Southern Cross.

Reporter 2: That's right Tom, for those who are not in the loop, The Southern Cross was originally a mobile base of operations for Team STAR of Beacon Academy who vanished without a trace after fighting off a Wyvern during the Fall of Beacon.

The screen turns to a replay of the Matrix Cannon firing the same time that flash of white light consumed the Wyvern, Beacon Tower, and finally...The Southern Cross. The footage was a bit shaky from the way the cameraman was holding his camera but you could still clearly see what happened up until the flash of white light burst out of the tower out of nowhere.

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