Chapter 17 - Turmoil Of Confusion

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"Hello?" Stephen picked up the phone. The line was silent. Stephen frowned and repeated, "Hello?"

"Stephen Wilson." The person finally spoke. Stephen became alerted at the familiar voice but maintained his composure.

"Damon Young." Stephen acknowledged making the man on the other side nod. "What's the matter?" he asked gravely.

"It's Sophia, the Oscuro made its move," Damon continued explaining the situation while Stephen listened intently and it took every fiber in him to not to lose his temper. 

"She is in hospital right now," Damon ended.

"You were there for a reason, you know that right?" Stephen growled lowly, trying to keep his calm. "If you have forgotten then let me remind you, it's your job to keep her safe. And you failed." He gritted his teeth and hung up. His mind was racing with thoughts and heart overflowing with emotions. He rested his face in the cup of his palms trying to sort out the situation.

"What happened?"

Stephen rose his head to catch the soft yet concerned eyes of Ryan. He stared at those eyes intensely for a few moments and took a deep breath.

"Call mom and dad."

Four hours later, the older three young men were occupying the living room as the others slept peacefully in their rooms.

"Will you tell us already! What's going on? It's 2 in the morning right now!" Ryan snapped in low voice, however that didn't mask any of agitation. Since he had talked to Stephen worry has been eating him alive, only growing at his brother's silence. 

"Really Steph, what is going on? We can see how worked up you are. Is something wrong?" Cole continued the questioning much softy.

Stephen didn't say anything. He just kept sitting, leaning back on the couch as his arms covered his eyes. Ryan grunted at his silent response but didn't say anything further.

Minutes passed in complete silence between the three. The click at the front door grabbed all of their attention. The door opened and a figure walked in which they soon recognized as Jake.


Cole and Ryan got up to welcome him as Stephen finally broke his position to look up at them. He shared a look with Jake. Both pair of eyes held mirrored emotion of worry, pain and regret.

"How are you home so early? And at this time?" Ryan shot questions at Jake.

"Yeah... and where is mom?" Though Cole asked this in a casual tone he was quickly picking up on the increased tension in the room.

"She went to the hospital," Jake answered calmly.

"Hospital?! Why? Is she okay?" 

"Yes, she's fine Ry," Jake replied but before relief could completely replace the panic on the two of his sons' he added, "it's Sophia."

""Sophia? Wasn't she at some party? What happened to her?!" Ryan was barely able to control his volume. Anticipation that had been building up inside him since a few a hours was on the edge of spilling over and his father and brothers could see it very well.

Cole was trying to rationally analyze the situation trying to put all the bits together. While Stephen was seemingly relaxed as he saw his dad handle the situation.

"I will tell you the whole thing but I need you guys to calm down first, younger ones are still sleeping," Jake said.

Following his instruction, both Cole and Ryan sat down at the couch as Stephen stood up from his seat to stand beside Jake, facing his brothers. 

"First of all, dad, how is Sophia?" Cole asked in a leveled and serious voice.

"She is fine, a car crashed into her but it was a small accident," Jake tried to comfort the two, though his own fist was clenched in anger, "But it never should've happened!" He growled lowly.

"Dad, it's not your fault." Stephen stated firmly looking at Jake.

"I doubt it," he muttered in return.

"You guys know something we don't, don't you?" Ryan accused looking at the people in front of him with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah and it's something big," Cole agreed. He had noticed Stephen being extra anxious all the time since Sophia had arrived. Questions were rising in his mind continuously since that day. He had been trying to figure out the situation but none of his theories made sense to him. But he was sure of one thing, something was definitely up.

Jake sighed and nodded, "I had to tell you guys sooner or later, I guess it's time now. But we have to wait for someone first."

As if on cue a knock sounded on the front door which grabbed everyone's attention. Not only because it was the only sound in the silence but because of the pattern of the knock. Three knocks in succession, a small gap, then a pair of knock followed by another gap and a finally a single knock.

It reminded the three young men present in the room how their parents used to knock in the same way when they were younger. 'Kids, if you hear a knock like this know that it's us. If someone knocks otherwise or rings the doorbell DO NOT open the door. Okay?'

Stephen went and opened the door. He was glaring at the person who walked in. The man patted Stephen at the shoulder with an apologetic look and then walked to Jake. Both of them shook their hands and did a light hug.

"Hey Jakey, long time no see!" The man smiled slightly.

"Yeah man," Jake replied, also smiling.

Ryan and Cole watched the whole exchange with wide eyes and gaped mouth as they recognized the man as their senior year math teacher and colleague.

"Mr. Smith!?" 


Hey Guys!

First chapter of 2021 is here!!

Seriously, even I don't know what's happening in the story!

It's a Turmoil of Confusion FOR ME!!

What do you guys think?

What's Oscuro? And what's Mr. Smith doing in the Wilson household?

Who's Damon Young? What are they hiding?

Too much is happening.

Aside from the chapter I wanna ask you all a quick question, Do any of you cheat in online exams? 

Unfortunately, I do. (though I try not to but... you know)



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