Chapter 3 - New Chapter

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In the morning of the next day, after breakfast we were all standing at the doorway bidding our goodbye to Violet and Jake.

"Kids, be good and listen to Stephen. And please don't get in too much trouble." Violet lectured for the hundredth time. "Stephen, be responsible. We are trusting you with our kids." She said in a mock stern voice. But I can tell she wasn't completely joking.

"Well mom, I think you are forgetting that your kids are also my brothers." Stephen replied playfully.

"And sister" Jake added to his statement.

Stephen rolled his eyes, "Whatever, it's not the first time you are leaving. Chill, everyone will be fine." He reassured.

Violet walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Stephen honey, I know we said we'll stay for longer this time and it's really hard for you to be responsible of your siblings. But have to go Steph, it's important. I'm really sorry." She whispered but since I was standing beside Stephen, I heard it.

Stephen looked at her, "No mom, you or dad shouldn't feel sorry. You are just doing your duty. I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. We all love you both and know that you love us too, mom." Violet looked at him with pride in her eyes. She hugged all of us.

"Hey dad" Tyler called Jake "Take care of our mom" He said and grinned. All of us chuckled at him. Violet looked close to crying.

"Will do little man" Jake replied with a wink.  

"Bye kids, love you"

"Be safe"

And with that they left leaving me alone with my step-brothers. Everyone dispersed and I went to couch where  Parker and Max were sitting and surfing through the channels, trying to find something to watch on T.V.

They stopped at a news channel for a few seconds.

"Two criminals have broke free from prison, yesterday night. The two of them were husband and wife. Their names, according to record are-" And they changed again to a sports channel.

I got up and went to my room instead. I decided to check my new phone which Violet and Jake have already set up. I looked and saw that their and the boys' numbers are already saved. I started to check the other apps to pass the time and keep my mind away from thinking.


"Dinner's ready." Someone yelled from downstairs.

I walked out of my room and to the dining area. Everyone else was coming here too. Dinner was just like yesterday but without Jake and Violet. Boys kept talking among themselves when I quietly ate my food.

Stephen sighed and looked at me. "I'm sure mom and dad already told you that you will start school from Monday" he looked at me and I nodded. "You will need some school supplies, so Ryan will take you tomorrow to mall."

"What? Why me?" Ryan exclaimed.

"Because I said so and I'm the boss" Stephen smiled at him smugly. Defeating him with just one sentence.

"By the way your cooking is getting worse day by day." Ryan grumbled obviously annoyed at him.

Stephen snorted while Cole grabbed Ryan in a headlock "Oh really? Because I made it, not Steph. And I think it's really good." Cole said and kept the hold till Ryan tapped his arm. Everyone laughed while Ryan glared at both Cole and Stephen.

Since I have arrived here I have began smiling genuinely. Not faking it to please others but from my heart. There is a comforting feeling in this house. Where no one has to be perfect, they are loved for themselves.

I went to my room while the boys went to watch T.V. I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes. Flashes of my old house went through my mind where I was constantly called awful things, flashes of my old school where I had to pretend to have a picture perfect life. Then I remembered how my foster parents - Daniel and Lilian - were arrested for child abuse. All this was coming like a film in my mind. I was taken by the social services, Violet and Jake took me in, I got step- brothers.

My life has changed a lot in a very short period of time. Like I have started a whole new chapter of my life.

Though, the thought of starting new school made me nervous. I will start school from Monday, which leaves me only one day to prepare for it. I hope that it will not be like my old school where everyone just befriend others for popularity. 

With these thoughts roaming in my head, my eyelids covered my eyes and I fell into darkness.


Hi Guys,

So, how is the chapter?

I know this chapter is kinda short but it has to end here.


Love, Eternal_18

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