Chapter 5 - Seriously?

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Ryan stood me in front of him after taking me a satisfied distance away from that boy. I looked up at him confused. Why would he do that? He looked like he wanted to say something but kept his mouth shut.

"You...boys...-" He finally spoke but was unable to form any sentence. "Just go and get whatever else you need." He said and walked back towards his friend. I raised an eyebrow at his retreating figure and sighed. 

Stupid Boys.

I got the remaining items and texted Ryan to let him know. He replied me telling me to wait by the paying area. I joined the line waiting for him. He arrived before it was our turn.

"Your total bill would be $110." The cashier said politely after billing the items. I reached my pocket to get the money. Despite the way Daniel and Lilian treated me, they always gave me plenty of money and facilities to show public how rich and ideal  family we were.

I extended my hand towards the lady to hand her the money before it was grabbed by Ryan. "What are you doing?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Paying...?" I stated the obvious, perplexedly.

He pulled my hand back down and paid himself, with his other hand. He picked up the bag given by the cashier filled with my school supplies and we exited the store.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked him quietly.

"What are you talking about?" He asked in an innocent voice.

Okay, I'm talking about you paying for my stuff, I am talking about you scaring away that boy and him saying that you're my 'overprotective brother' while you say that I'm not even your sister!

"Why did you pay? You know, for my things." I asked instead.

"Oh right! These are your things," He exclaimed like he just realized something. "You should carry this" He shoved the bag in my hand. I saw a little smirk on his face before he walked away towards the exit.


I looked at his back with my mouth gaped open for a few seconds before following him.


I was in my room reading Nancy Drew, after lunch. At least, I was trying to as I kept reading the same sentence over and over again. I was unable to focus on the book my brain was constantly flashing images of that man from the mall in front of me, trying to remember where I had seen him before.

Maybe, it's just my imagination and even if I have seen him earlier it could be a coincidence, a lot of people go to mall.

But he was looking right at me. 

I sighed as I realized that probably everyone around then was staring at me only, thanks to the scene caused by Ryan. 

It must be a mere coincidence.

I jumped when the door to my room suddenly opened and was slammed shut just as quickly. I looked wide-eyed at Max who just entered my room. My guards were up and I was gripping my book tightly, ready to use it as a weapon if he comes nearer to me.

"Uh, do you need something?" I asked still in shock.

" you have a shield or sword or anything I can protect myself with?" 

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Why?"

A series of loud bangs on my door interrupted us. "MAX! You idiot! Open the door! I know you're inside!" Tony yelled from outside while continuously pounding the door, which is locked by Max.

"Sophia, you open the door." Tyler yelled still banging on the door.

I looked at Max who was shaking his head furiously with joined hands while he mouthed a please to me. I looked alternately between him and the door, not making any other move.

"I might've pranked  them. You know, the classic Bucket on Door." Max explained sheepishly when I looked at him questioningly.  

The knocking was silenced for a few moments before my door was clicked open. The twins walked in with smirks etched on their faces. Tyler threw a hair pin at Max. They must've unlocked the door with it. 

"Oh you're gonna get it Max." Tony threatened him evilly. Max rolled his eyes but I can see he was intimidated. "Yeah you messed with wrong people Max, you may be a good prankster but I'm Prank King and you just started a prank war." Tyler added with a dark chuckle.

"Whatever" Max muttered, clearly failing to play it cool and left the room.

"Oh, and don't think you're off the hook. You didn't opened the door for us." Tyler told me menacingly and the twins left the room too leaving me dumbstruck.



Hey Guys,

How are you doing? I hope you and your family is safe and healthy. We have to fight Corona Virus by keeping ourselves safe. Please take care of yourself.

So, prank war has begun, tell me if you've ever played on your siblings.

Love, Eternal_18

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