Chapter 15 - Enter : Crystal Hansen

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"I'm not going to take money from you and that's final. Don't argue with me young man." May frowned at Stephen.

"Oh come on May, you always do this. I'm going to pay this time no matter what you say." Stephen said back.

This argument had been going on for last five minutes. After finishing our food, which was delicious, Stephen and Cole kept insisting for paying for it while May kept denying the money.

"How many times do I have to say this you're all like my children, just consider this my treat." Before either Stephen or Cole could open their mouth to argue back, she clapped her hands and continued with a sweet smile, "You know what? You guys are all just kids, I'll settle all this money stuff with Jake or Violet. Don't you worry."

After seconds long of stare down between May and both the boys Cole sighed in defeat and put a hand on Stephen's shoulder to which he huffed and glared at the lady, "You are never going to change, are you?"

"You know it!" She winked.

"Yes!" Parker, along with Tyler cheered. "I knew she will win again and so will we," Tyler said referring about the bet Parker and him had made against Max and Tony. They believed that May will win while the other team placed their bet on their oldest brothers.

"Yea May's a queen!" Parker exclaimed and high fived her.

"Come on you two," Max said while looking at Cole and Stephen. "Don't you ever get tired of losing?" He let out a dramatic disappointed sigh. Tony's only reaction was his trade mark eye roll.  

All of the boys hugged May again and I waved at her before leaving. May was more than an acquaintance or a family friend, she was a motherly figure to the boys. The love and bond between them was clearer than water. All of them seemed at ease around her, even Tony. 

After returning home, I was in my room reading Nancy Drew, reading just one more chapter for the fifth time. Before I could flip over to the next chapter and promise myself yet again that it will the last one for tonight, a knock sounded on my door, startling me a bit. 

"Come in."

Parker strolled into my room carrying a box with him, "Here, I got this for this for you," he grinned and extended the box towards me.

I scrunched my eyebrows, "Chocolate?"

"Yeah... I thought you'd like it."

"Okay," I drawled out the word and laughed, "thanks."

"Okay then," he handed me the box and walked out the door. "Good night, Soph."

Soph... I guess I could get used to it.


Next day in school, I saw Claire in English class. "Hey there!" She greeted. I smiled and took the seat next to her. "Wanna skip class?" She asked.

 "What?" I asked, dumbfounded at the sudden question.

"Well it's clear you don't like English," Claire pointed a finger at me before pointing it towards herself, "and I don't like English... or school in general for that matter. So better have some fun, don't you think?"

"No actually... I think it's better if we attend class." I stated.

"Buzzkill! Okay, at least let's make a challenge; 'who can survive the lullaby longer?' whoever sleeps first this lecture, loses."

"Oh come on. You shouldn't say so," I frowned lightly. I really don't like when people don't give teachers the respect and appreciation they deserve. 

"Yeah, you're right. Lullabies are supposed to be soothing, Mrs Taylor's lectures are more like a test of endurance. 'How long can one endure the boredom before falling?'" She introduced the new name of challenge which she seemed to be rather proud of. I shook my head at her, she's not gonna change. 

There was no tension present in the air between us relating yesterday's conversation. Perhaps that's what I like the most about her, the simplicity and easy-going attitude. More so, as it perfectly contrasts my overthinking and exaggerating tendency.

"So, are you coming to Aiden's tonight then?" She asked.

"Yep!" I replied and she cheered before she started planning the whole night out. She went on and on about it until Mrs Taylor entered the classroom. The rest of the class I tried to stay extra attentive, avoiding any chance to get my name on Mrs Taylor's black list.

After class Claire and I made our way to the cafeteria where we parted as I went to sit with my brothers.

"Hey Soph! Bring me a bottle of water, will ya?" Parker called me as I was about to sit on the seat between him and Max.

"Uh, sure."

"One for me too," Tony grumbled from his place. I was slightly shocked that he even spoke to me and did not say something rude.

"Okay..." I replied.

"Holy fudge! You people take advantage of her kindness!" Max exclaimed. "Come on Sophia, I'll go with you."

"How is that boy so dramatic?" I heard Tyler say as Max and I started walking towards the counter to get water. On the way a girl bumped into Max, she had long dirty blonde hair and rare grey eyes.

"Sorry," she muttered quietly while looking down.

"Oh, it's oka-," before Max could complete she was already walking away with her head down.

"That's Crystal. Crystal Hansen, my best friend I told you about," I looked at Claire walking our way from the direction Crystal just came. "Sorry, she's not in a good mood today."

"It's cool." Max smiled at Claire.

"I swear you're the only decent Wilson Max... besides Sophia, of course," Claire remarked.

"To be honest, I'm kinda happy. She's probably the only person I've met who's quieter than me." I chuckled lightly.

Claire's eyes widened "Whoa! Trust me when I say this she is wilder than me."


Hey Guys!

How is everyone? I hope fine.

How's the chapter?

Not much happened in this one but...oh well.

By the way... from where are all of you?

Love, Eternal_18

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