Chapter 2 - Not Our Sister

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We were all sitting in the living room. It had a cozy feeling in it. There were two couches a coffee table and a big flat screen T.V. The boys were still glaring at me. I can't believe I am going to have to live with them. I was nervous enough when Violet told me she has sons but seven brothers is sending me to another level of anxiety.

"Boys, introduce yourself one by one," Jake spoke up. No one said anything, they just continue to glare at me. I looked down at my hands on my lap as I fiddled with my fingers. It was clear that they didn't want me here. 

"Start talking or get grounded" Violet threatened. One of them rolled their eyes and muttered something under their breath but he started speaking.

"Stephen, I'm 22." Just looking at him gave me shivers, he is really tall and big. But what scared me the most was the look he was giving me, like I have done some terrible crime.

"Cole, 21."

"I am Ryan, 19."

"Tyler, 18" "Tony, 18" The two boys spoke simultaneously.

"Why don't you get it?"  Tyler groaned. "I speak first because I'm older."

"By three minutes" Tony shot back.

Tyler opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by another boy. "Parker, I'm 17." 

"I'm Max, 15" The last one said. I nodded trying to remember all the names. Violet placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me encouragingly. I knew she wanted me to introduce myself so, I took a breath and spoke.

"I-I'm So-ophia. I'm 15." I whispered and hoped that it was audible to them. Apparently it was as Violet told the boys to show me, my room. And she would call us when dinner is ready. The four younger boys lead me to my room upstairs in silence.

We stopped in front of a room and I figured that it must be mine. I turned the door knob and stepped into the room when suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and turned me around. My eyes widened in fear, I saw Daniel standing there with that look in his eyes.

"Listen here," I came out of my phase and realized it was Tony gripping me. "You are Not Our Sister and we are not your brothers. We are not a family." He snapped and walked away with the rest of his brothers before I could respond. 

I had expected it. I find it hard myself to accept the fact that I foster-brothers, but hearing them say that hurts. I blinked back the few tears that came to my eyes and entered the room.

It was beautiful. The walls were a light purple. It also had a window and a bathroom. I put my bag on the desk and went to sit on the bed. I closed my eyes and tried not to think about anything and just rest for a while. But no matter what I do, my mind always wandered back to my old house. How I used to survive there. No one knew what was going inside those four walls, to everyone we were a happy, rich family.

I sighed and laid down on bed, but this time I thought about this new family. Will they accept me? Will I be able to trust them? I think only time can give these answers. I decided to unpack my bag to get my my mind off from these things. I opened the closet and began to fill it with my clothes.


"Hey Sophia, are you coming to that party tonight?"  My friend asked. I don't know if I can call her that, though. For me a real friend is someone you can trust and rely on. With whom you can talk about anything. And I have none of those.

"No, I don't think so." I replied 

"Why? You have got to come Sophia." Another girl said and yanked my arm excitedly. I winced and pulled away my arm. "What happened did I hurt you, I'm so sorry." She apologized.

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