Chapter 11 - Friends

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"Dude, she totally burned you!" Tyler exclaimed, laughing with the others at Max who was scowling at his brothers.

We were all in the living room, boys fighting over which movie to watch and Stephen ordering pizza for dinner when Cole got this amazing idea to show everyone my race with Max in the afternoon which he had recorded on his phone. Recording incidents must run in the blood.

"Well you try to race with her, she's really fast!" Max exclaimed, trying to justify his defeat.

"Yep! She definitely is," Cole said giving me a look. His eyes held a glint which I couldn't understand but it certainly made me smile . "You must play some sport, right?" He seemed genuinely curious when he asked me.

The sudden spotlight that fell on me with that question flustered me. All the boys were staring at me intently, waiting for me to answer. I looked down trying to avoid the attention. 

"Um, yeah I-uh, I used to play soccer in my old school," I said shyly. Darn you social awkwardness.

"That's great, Tony and Tyler also play soccer," Cole smiled at me enthusiastically. "You should try-out for team maybe I'll give you a spot." He winked at me.

"That reminds me; Why didn't you told me you applied in our school. And more importantly that you got the job!" Max yelled pointing an accusing finger at Cole.

"Well you would've known if you didn't take off for school so early. I told everyone in the morning." Cole shrugged and before Max could say anything else he started playing the movie; Jumanji. 

After few minutes into the movie the doorbell rang. Stephen went to get the door and came back seconds later with boxes of pizza. He placed it on the coffee table and within a blink everyone was stuffing their faces with pizza. I looked at them all in astonishment. 

This is all a new a experience for me. Sitting on the couch together watching movie and eating, making jokes, laughing. A real smile is something that I had lost long ago, but this family gave it back to me. Isn't this the simplest meaning of family, people who can make you smile bright in the darkest times?

It was voice of of Stephen that pulled out of my thoughts, "Sophia, eat." The stern glare plastered on his face was enough for me to quickly grab a slice and take a bite. I avoided his look which was still burning holes in me and focused on my food.

After the movie ended we all went to our respective rooms, not even ten minutes later Cole entered my room for the second time today. He came and stood near my bed.

"Hey, Sophia" Cole greeted with a small smile.

"Hi, um do you need anything?" I asked him, wanting to know the reason of his surprise visit.

"Your forgiveness," He said smoothly his smile morphing into a sad one. "It was after all me who made you run. It doesn't matter what the other circumstances were, what I did was still irresponsible from my side."

"It's okay," I assured him. "I fainted because I didn't eat properly, it's not your fault. We arrived late to the class so you made us run like you would've with any other student." I shrugged.

Cole chuckled in response, "No. That's the point, I would simply give detention to any other student or maybe not even that. I just wanted to annoy my siblings." He ended with a sheepish grin.

His explanation above all, amused me. He is definitely using his power as a teacher. I knew his intentions were not bad and I surely saw how worried he was when he saw me in the evening. "It's fine." I gave him a small smile.

He smiled back at me and walked to the door, "Good night, Sophia."

"G'night Cole." 

He left and closed the door behind him. I lied down in my bed and closed my eyes, hoping for a peaceful night without any nightmares. It was at that moment I realized that Cole just considered me as his sibling. And it was a happy enough thought for me to dream rainbows and sunshine.

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