Chapter 8 - First Day

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"Tony even told me to search for you two," Parker said with a smirk etched on his face. My eyes widened and I looked at him suspiciously as he continued. "But I think I'll side with you on this one," he gave my a cheeky grin.

Parker grabbed my hand and began dragging me through the crowded hallway. "What are you doing?" I shrieked.

"Helping you hide from the twins, duh. They must be finding you right now." Parker replied as he led me to the back of the school building. I scanned the area carefully, maybe twins were hiding here and it was all their plan.

Once I was certain that there was no one else only then did I notice the serenity of this place. There were no noise of students yelling or fighting with each other. It was quiet and peaceful. I sat beside Parker under one of the few trees.

Parker was leaning his head back on the tree with his eyes closed. I went and sat beside him and thanked him for saving me from devil duo. He opened his eyes to look at me and nodded. "But what about Max?" I wondered. They must be after him too right.

I looked at Parker in amusement as he shrugged in reply with a nonchalant 'eh'. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head with a smile. These brothers have an unfathomable chemistry between them. 

"I wish, I was there to see the prank." I sighed.

"You wouldn't have been alive by now if you were there," he rolled his eyes. "Besides you don't need to worry, I took a video of it," he grinned taking his phone out from his pocket.

I beamed as he unlocked his phone and opened the video. The twins were trying to rip apart the photos stuck on the doors of their locker at the starting of video. A huge crowd was gathering around the scene and there were roars of laughter, one being louder than the others which must be of Parker.

There were their baby pictures, one had Tony with ketchup smeared on his face, other was Tyler falling down the stairs, in one picture they were both standing together in a Tango pose. At last, they both opened their lockers where there were even more pictures of them. I don't know how Max knew their locker combination, but he did. 

The laughter grew louder. They both turned around with their red faces because of anger or embarrassment or both, and Tony yelled, "Scram! Or I'll break each one of yours noses." The crowd got less and less dense but Parker's laugh only hiked. "I'm going to kill them." It was the last thing that Tyler said and then the video ended.

Parker and I were crying of laughter by the end, remembering the expression on the twins' face was enough to send me in a fit of laugh. I looked at Parker after sobering up, he turned to me and just like that we started laughing again.

After we heard the bell, signalling the end of recess, we got up and headed to our next class which is PE for me. I wandered through the hallways, trying to find gym when another ring echoed in the building. Good job, I'm late on my first day.

I took another turn and though I didn't find gym luckily enough I saw Max there. He saw me too and ran towards me.

"What are you doing here? You should be in class." He frowned.

"I have PE and I can't find gym. This school doesn't even have signs, how a new student is supposed to find their way around?" I rambled, my volume raising with each word.

"Whoa, calm down girl. I have PE too, there's a new coach, Coach C or something, he's taking class on field. Come on." He said and started walking in the direction I came from.

"Why are you late?" I asked.

"I bumped into twins on the way." He said and then winced. 

"Oh, Are you okay?" 

"Mostly," he shrugged as we reached the changing rooms he went into boys' and came to girls'. After changing into the sports uniform which consisted of a pair of shorts and a white T-shirt I exited the room and found Max standing a few meters away waiting for me.

"Okay listen," he said once I reached him. "We are fifteen minutes late but I have a cover story to escape detention. You are a new student and you were lost then I came to your rescue. But not knowing that we were to come at field we went to gym and then from there we came here as fast as we can after being informed that we have to come here. He's new so he must believe us."

"Hey! I am new student and I was lost." I exclaimed.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. We walked out of the changing room onto the field.

"You both are late." Said a very familiar voice.

Max and I looked at each other in surprise, then at the Coach C AKA Cole.  


Hey guys,

How's everyone?

What do you think about the chapter?

My school system is actually different from the one in the story. So, please tell me if made any mistake, I'll edit it.

Love, Eternal_18

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