Chapter 9 - Fainted

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"You both are late," Cole said in a stern voice but the twitch of his lips and the mischief in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by me. 

Max and I just stood there dumbfounded. I think, even Max didn't know that Cole is the new coach. We stared at each other then at Cole, and back to each other.

"Please tell me the Coach C everyone is talking about, doesn't stand for Coach Cole," Max almost begged him.

"It certainly does." Cole nodded his head once, his smirk becoming more prominent. Before Max could respond he started talking again. "Now, as you two are late, you can run laps for rest of the time."

"But-" Max's protest were cut off by Cole.

"No buts Mr. Wilson, I'm not giving you guys detention too but I can, if you want." Cole was most certainly enjoying this. "Get going."

Max rolled his eyes and started running and I followed the lead after glancing at Cole, whose eyes were filled with amusement. Max was running fast but I caught up with him and I give the credit of my speed to soccer.

I was in the soccer team back in my old school and middle school. Soccer is one thing I love with all my heart, it's my getaway from this world. However, in the beginning it was for popularity, which I didn't want but it was needed by Daniel and Lilian to polish the image of our flawless, fabulous family. They wanted me to be on the cheer squad at first but I didn't make it. They called me things; Stupid, retarded, waste of space.

 The same cycle repeated when I started high school. I tried out for cheer and I didn't make it, intentionally and I joined soccer team. They called me things, though the difference this time was that I didn't believe them. I knew I was not any of those things and it's not my fault that they are stuck up jerks. I knew they were the wrong in the situation, they always were.

I looked at Max, his eyebrows were scrunched together in a frown, many colorful words leaving his lips with occasional Cole in between. He seemed deep in thought, probably planning about how is he going to murder Cole.

"Hey, calm down," I laughed at his anger. Although I was very shocked and confused myself that Cole is the coach, Max was furious about this. So much that he looks funny. The thought alone made me giggle again.

"What's so funny?" He looked at me with a glare but it seemed playful.

"Nothing" I smiled sweetly at him. I decided to avoid talking about this Cole being the coach thing for now, Max is already very irritated about it.

We completed our first lap and Cole flashed us his annoying smirk as we passed him which made Max grumble again. There is still around 25 minutes left before the bell rings.

We were halfway through our second lap when Max spoke up, "You are a pretty fast runner, I'm impressed."

"I guess, I am." I tried to say in a cocky tone and flipped my hair.

"Not faster than me though," he smirked.

"And how can you say that?" I looked at him.

"Well, for one I'm one of the fastest runner in the school," He said with pride, "And secondly, I'm definitely faster than a girl." He shrugged.

"Is that so?" I raised my eyebrows at him. What is with these guys and underestimating girls. They think that they are so much better than girls. Do they even realize that if it wasn't for a girl they wouldn't even be in this world? And we're not any weaker physically either and Max is about to learn this. "Let's race."

"Are you sure? I mean I don't want you to lose," He snickered.

I didn't reply to him and just stopped when we finished the lap, Max also stopped beside me. "Let's start, shall we? Whoever finishes this lap first, wins."  I said.

He nodded. "3 , 2 , 1, Go!"

We started the running and he was a little ahead of me. I pushed myself harder and overtook him. By the time we completed half of the lap he was again in front of me. I closed my eyes and took a breath, I've got to do this. I started running faster, faster than I ever have. I crossed Max but didn't slow down. I kept running till I reached the finish line, then stopped to catch my breath.

I looked back at Max still panting. He still had a quarter to finish. He was looking at me in astonishment, lips slightly parted. I shrugged at him with a 'you got what you deserved' smirk.

"Do you think I don't have eyes? Keep running, 18 minutes are still remaining!" I didn't even turn to face Cole, knowing I'll be met with his infamous annoying smirk.

I started running again, much slower now. My legs were starting to cramp and my stomach was making noises. My head was spinning and I think I was swaying. Did the sun suddenly got hotter?

"Are you alright?" I looked at my side to see Max looking at me in concern.

"Yeah...I won!" I suddenly escalated my voice at the end, making him jump a little.

"Yeah, you were awesome!" He exclaimed just as excited as me. At least he's not a sore loser.

"And you believed that girls were slow," I rolled my eyes at him which was a bad move it made my dizziness return.

"Well, I stand corrected."

"Good, though those were not the three words I was looking for," I explained further after seeing his puzzled face, "Something more like an apology... you know for that girl comment."

"I guess, I had this coming, huh?" He looked at me and I nodded. "Fine, I'm sorry."

I gave him triumphant smile, but my moment of pride was short lived by a loud growl erupted from my stomach, making it's emptiness known. My cheeks tinged with pink, as Max  started laughing.

Before I could say anything or join in the laugh my head spun again and I stopped running. Max came beside me and held me as I swayed back and forth, trying to keep me stable.

"Hey, listen Soph..." Max's muffled voice reached my ears but it was incomprehensible to me.

I held onto Max for my dear life as my knees buckled under my weight and my eyelids became too heavy to keep open before it finally shut.


Hey Guys, 

What do you think about this chapter? 

Is Sophia being too much of a feminist? Is it annoying?

What 'bout Max?

I just read a very sad news, some monsters gave a pregnant elephant a pineapple laced with crackers. She ate it thinking of it as a gesture of kindness. I burst inside her mouth and broke her jaw. AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN HURT THEM. She just went and sat in a river, probably trying to soothe her wound. Unfortunately, even after many efforts she couldn't be saved.

How can people be so cruel?! The elephant had more humanity in her than them. I swear if got my hands on those stupids...

I just made me really emotional so I thought I should share it with you guys.

Love, Eternal_18  

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