Chapter 10 - All Grounded

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When I woke up I was informed that I was in the medical room and the nurse, Mrs. Jennings has called Stephen to pick me up from school as Max has told her that Jake or Violet weren't able to at the moment. Mrs. Jennings is a kind lady, probably in her early forties with gentle features. She gave me a glucose tablet to regain some energy.

It was the perfect first day of new school - to tell my children or grandchildren. I set up a prank, first thing when I arrived the school, I spent my lunch break hiding from those people I pranked, I lost my way around, I arrived late to the class, ran for half an hour, I fainted and then I wake up in the medical room.

But the thing that grabbed most of my attention was Stephen. I was biting my nails in anticipation of his reaction. I don't whether he'd be irritated with me or just completely unconcerned about the situation. He'd be likely busy right now with his work at the business - Why would he leave that to come and get me?

Right at that moment the door to the room opened and Stephen walked in. He greeted Mrs. Jennings and talked with her for while as she filled him in about how I fainted in the gym class due to dehydration and lack of food. After their chat Stephen motioned me to come with him and I followed him, thanking Mrs. Jennings on my way out.

I kept my eyes down, none of us saying anything but I was more than surprised when he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to his side. I looked up at him wide eyed which he returned with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly.

"I'm fine," I said quietly, overcoming the momentary shock that enveloped me.

"And your head? Does it hurt?" He asked and I shook my head. "Really?" He raised an eyebrow looking at my hand, which I just noticed was massaging my forehead.

"Maybe a little," I mumbled. Why ask when you already know the answer?

He led me to his car in the parking lot. He opened the door to passenger seat first and helped me in, then went to his side and got on the driver's seat. Neither me nor Stephen spoke anything for the entire ride. By the time we reached the house, I was barely able to open my eyes from all the tiredness.

We entered the house and I was going to my room when Stephen called me, "Wait, you have to eat something first."

"I'm not really hungr-" I was trying to say but I was cut off by my growling stomach itself. 

"Come here, I'm making sandwich," Stephen said sternly. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen and sat on a bar stool, watching him gather ingredients and putting them together. He made two sandwiches and gave one to me and served the other to himself. He sat on the stool beside me and we started eating. It was amazing, I looked at him incredulously. He took a note of my expression and chuckled.

"I worked at a sub shop when I was in high school," He told me.

"Oh, it tastes really good," I complimented him.

"I know," he boasted and bowed dramatically. I laughed at his antics, this was a whole different side of Stephen I was seeing not the intimidating and responsible one. He finished his sandwich much quicker than me but he didn't move from his seat until I finished mine. He grabbed both of our dishes and put them in the sink. 

I went upstairs to my room while Stephen was searching something in the cabinets. I sat on my bed and checked my phone which was vibrating constantly with notifications since I woke up. They were all messages from Max asking if I was awake and fine. I was texting him back to let him know that I'm okay when Stephen entered my room.

I put my phone on the nightstand and looked at him, he came towards me with a glass of water and Tylenol. "Here, take this," he instructed and gave me the medicine. I put the pill in my mouth and  swallowed it with the water he handed me.

"Thank you," I gave him smile. 

He shook his head with a small smile of his own, "You don't need to thank me, it's my job." He took the empty glass from my hand and went outside my room. "Now get some rest, okay?"

I nodded and with that he left, closing the door behind him. I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes, feeling ten times more tired. It wasn't long before I got lost in my fantasy world.


The first thing I saw after my nap was Max's eyes staring at me intently for a few seconds before he attacked me with a hug. After a moment of hesitation I slowly wrapped my arms around him.

"Are you fine? What happened? Are you hurt? You suddenly blacked out in my arms, I was so scared!" Max rambled out his worries.

 "Max listen," I pulled away from the hug and looked him in the eye. "I'm fine, alright?" 

He nodded and sighed in relief. My door opened and Ryan came inside, "You're awake." He noted with a nod. "How's your headache?" He asked.

"Better," I replied with a tiny smile.

Parker and twins came in next, "Hey Sophia, thank god you are awake. Are you okay?" Parker asked, worry lacing his voice. Twins were standing behind him silently but concern was evident in their eyes.

Finally, Cole and Stephen entered my room and with that the whole house was standing in my room. Stephen came forward towards my bed and sat on the edge of it. "How are you feeling now?"

"I'm good," I said for the umpteenth time today.

"Good, now can you tell me what happened?" He asked. The responsible Stephen was back.

"It was all my fault. I'm so sorry Sophia," Cole said looking genuinely guilty.

"No, it's not your fault," I said giving him a 'are you serious?' look.

"Okay wait, when was the last time you ate anything before that sandwich?" Stephen asked again. 

"She must've ate at lunch, right?" Ryan gave his input.

"No, she was with me at lunch, hiding from the Tyler and Tony." Parker admitted.

"And you didn't think that having some lunch would've been a great idea?" Stephen asked him rhetorically. "You're grounded," he announced making Parker groan.

"What did you have for breakfast?" Stephen directed the question back at me. But again, somebody answered it before I can even utter a word.

"Well you see, we had to get to school early to set up that prank so we might have skipped breakfast." Max said followed by a nervous chuckle.

Stephen sighed exasperatedly, "Of course you did. You're grounded."

"And our dear twins ate her dinner last night." Cole said giving Tyler and Tony a pointed look.

"You both are grounded too," Stephen concluded and a pair groan echoed in my room. Then Stephen looked at me, "And Sophia, although those idiots are the reason you skipped meals but it was still you who didn't eat, you should have eaten something before it got to the point that you fainted. You are also grounded." He said seriously, looking at me. 

"Wow Stephen's on a roll!" Ryan exclaimed while laughing. Cole also started laughing but any of us grounded people didn't find it funny one bit. Stephen gave them both a winner smile before asking, "Now, who wants to watch a movie?"


Hey Guys,

Finally!!! An EARLY, ON TIME UPDATE!!!

How was the chapter?

What do you think of Stephen?

I want to thank all of you for reading and voting for my story. And a special thanks for all your wonderful comments. *HUGS*

Love, Eternal_18


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