Chapter 22 - Hop On

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After two days in the hospital Dr Miller discharged me. Claire, Aiden Crystal and her twin brother, Chris came to visit me. Aiden kept apologizing to me. Claire and Crystal were fussing over me, much like Jake. And Chris was awkwardly standing in a corner the whole time. At home I've been stuffed in my room with one person keeping me company at all times. 

"Check mate!" 

I was playing chess with Parker, in my room. He just played his final move and won for the third time in a row. Dang it!


"Heck no! I've already done two rematches. I am not risking my winning streak anymore." 

"Yo! Are you coming down for lunch or do you want here?" Max asked coming inside my room.

It has been a week since I got back and I have rarely moved from this bed. I missed school too. Someone would bring my meals up to me. I had a cast on my right leg. I have to spend one more week with it but my leg was better.

"Here, please."

"Nah, he was just being nice. You are coming down," Ryan said, also entering.

"But my leg..." I frowned

"But my leg," Ryan mimicked me in a whiny voice. He turned away and squatted down a bit. "Hop on."

"Really?" I asked wide eyed.

"It's a limited time offer. Also, it's a favour which you're gonna have to return sometime."

Although it was not a favour that I asked for, it was impossible for me to reject it. I locked my hands around his neck as he got up with his hands under my thighs. 

"Can I also... on your back?" Max looked at his older brother with eyes that I could never say no to. However, Ryan didn't even waste a second and responded with a sharp, 'no'.

Ryan walked out of the room and down the corridor to the stairs. Before he could take his first step down, my hold tightened around his neck, scared to fall down. By the next three steps, my hands had caught him in an iron grip. "Let...Me...BREATHE!" He rebuked while taking three more steps. My grip didn't loosened a bit if not became even more tight. Ryan stopped and stood completely still. Calmly yet threateningly he said, "Sophia. Stop choking me right now. Or I'll throw you down from here." 

I looked at the remaining few steps. Max and Parker were already stood at the bottom of it, watching like a film was going on. I focused back on Ryan and looked at him in disbelief. "You wouldn't"

"He would," said Max.

"He has," Parker added with a shiver.

I took a breath and reluctantly made a gap between my arms and his windpipe. He smirked and continued walking. The other two made their way towards kitchen. I felt like I was dangling like a pendulum with each jerk. At any step I could fall down.

I sighed and released the breath when we hit the base. We went towards the dining table. "Oh! look what the cat's dragged in," Tyler commented looking at me.

"Literally." Tony threw his own comment at Ryan.

Dinner was fairly normal, except every adult at the table constantly asking me if I was feeling better. Jake and Violet had left their work and come here when they heard of my accident. Since then, they have put off their work and been at home. I didn't like that they compromised their other work for me. But at the same time I also loved it. Recently, I have started feeling grateful for the care they show me rather than guilty.

"The driver that hit Sophia; his license was suspended today." Violet informed everyone, looking at me for a second longer. There were looks being passed around between the older people at the table. I have noticed the tension between them ever since I came back home. Ryan was always in a temper while talking with his parents and Cole looked like he was giving Stephen a cold shoulder. I think the others noticed too but none of us said anything.

"Oh," I said to break the silence. I remember going towards the white car before the accident. I haven't spotted it again. I wondered if I should tell Jake or Violet about it. 

"Who wants to watch a movie? It's Friday, we don't have to get up early tomorrow." Parker suggested as everyone finished eating.

"Or we can have a game night?" Jake proposed.

"No dad! You always cheat and Max always whines and then mom scolds us all. It will be a mess as usual," Tyler rejected the idea.

"Yeah, too much drama," Tony backed his twin. There were agreements from other boys too.

"True, true." Violet sighed. "So... game night, it is!"


Hey Guys,

July 4th...

It's Sophia's birthday todayyy!!

It's also my bestie's birthday!! One crazy girls she is... First person I showed this story to.

So, how was the update?

Also, thank you for your patience, I really appreciate it.



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