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         𝐀𝐇𝐍 𝐉𝐈𝐇𝐘𝐄 walked down the corridor of seoul's one and only famous highschool, jongwa high, swaying her hips slightly while jamming to the music playing in her earphones

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𝐀𝐇𝐍 𝐉𝐈𝐇𝐘𝐄 walked down the corridor of seoul's one and only famous highschool, jongwa high, swaying her hips slightly while jamming to the music playing in her earphones. as much as she enjoyed, the music, she kept her face with a slight frown.

she noticed the stares she was getting from the males and females she passed by, knowing what they were thinking of and that they wanted to approach her but not knowing how. she eventually arrived her classroom, where mr song, her least favourite teacher, was about to go in. he was a pervert. she knew it well.

"jiji!" she heard through the volume of her earphones. "hi nara" she greeted her best friend with a small smile while unplugging one of her earphones from her ear. nara was the only person she truly trusted. she had been with her since the start, even before they had gotten rich and before her father was a ceo.

"ugh mr song is here." nara rolled her eyes and went to her seat which was in front of jihye's. jihye glanced to her right, her thinking to herself about where her desk mate was. 'did that dumb fuck ditch class again? hes not going to graduate at this point'

she was snapped out of her thoughts when mr song slammed his hands on the teacher table to get everyone's attention.


the lesson went by quickly but she had noticed mr song giving nara many glances, even a smirk when he had walked by her.

at the end of the lesson, mr song requested, "nara, do you mind staying back after the lesson?" he gave a smile to nara while clasping his hands together, waiting for her response, "uhh sure..." nara said timidly, slightly nervous on what would happen if she were to stay alone with the perverted man. "okay then, the rest of you may go for your next lesson." he concluded.

nara sat there, nervous out of her bones. jihye stood up, nervous for her best friend as well and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her closer so she could whisper. " if he tries anything, scream, i'll come running to help you." nara nodded, not daring to say anything.


all the students had left, it was just me and mr song. he smiled at me, a slightly weird one. "nara, come here, we have to talk." i nodded and stood up and came closer, and he kept asking me to come closer, until i was sitting on a table in front of him.

"now i would like to ask you something, why would you wear such a small thing, when you obviously know that it would turn me on?" he tugged on my short skirt.

"sir, this is the s-school's skirt." i said, trying to sound braver, but my voice betraying me while he came closer, to the point that i was right under his nose.

"you know, i could just," he put his hand under my skirt and thigh, while beginning to slide it up, "reach up." he continued while caressing my ass.

"please dont touch me," i tried to pull his hand away from me, but he didnt budge. "now nara darling, dont be so defiant." he smirked.

'scream now.'
'nara dont be stupid, do it.'
the voice in my head shouted at me.


"hey jihye, why are you waiting here alone?" moonbin, one of the friendly basketball players asked her when he approached her after his practice.

"uh, im waiting for nara. do you mind waiting here with me since you're going to class with her?" she questioned him, feeling like something was wrong.

"i dont mind, i was here to get her anyways." he replied with a smile.

at that moment, a high pitched scream echoed the almost empty halls.

"oh shit." jihye swore under her breath before running to the classroom's door and bursting through it, moonbin following frantically after her.

"you perverted dickhead!" she shouted before running and kicking him in the stomach, knocking him onto the floor and away from nara.

mr song was clutching his stomach in pain, while jihye, venom dripping from her lips, kneeled down, " i knew this would happen, you're just a pervert getting pleasure from girls in their highschool, but outside of highschool? you're just a divorced man, too sick in the head to find love." she said before getting up, and kicking him where the sun dont shine.

moonbin helped escort nara, who was crying, outside the classroom. the people who had passed by had stopped to see the commotion that was happening.

jihye had to think quickly before he had the chance to stand up; she called 911. "hello, 911, whats your problem?" the receiver said. " hi, i would like to report a sexual harassment, in seoul highschool."


jihye and nara sat on a bench, watching the police take mr song away, while questioning moonbin and the people who were passing by.

"im sorry i couldnt scream earlier." nara said softly, still shaken from the previous events.

"what?" jihye turned her head. "what the fuck min nara? never blame yourself for what just happened, only blame that perverted man and his ugly ass fingers. if anything, im the one to blame, for leaving you alone with him in that stinky classroom."

"jihye, dont blame yourself either, you didnt know what was going to happen ." nara shook her head before bringing her legs to her chest.

"thank you for defending me over there, if you havent had came in, i would still be in there, and he would still be doing things to me."nara shivered but continued, "thanks for looking out for me, jihye." she gave her best friend a smile before engulfing her into a hug.

" she gave her best friend a smile before engulfing her into a hug

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𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒 𝐀 𝐁𝐈𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓kind of a person jihye is, alsoif you or anyone else is evera victim of sexual harassment,dont be afraid to voice out

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kind of a person jihye is, also
if you or anyone else is ever
a victim of sexual harassment,
dont be afraid to voice out.

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now