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jihye stood up hastily and turned to the door before saying, "i need some fresh air

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jihye stood up hastily and turned to the door before saying, "i need some fresh air." not even looking back and going to the garden.

the girl walked to the back of the mansion where the large garden was. she remembered that her mom used to sit here with her when she was young and tell stories to her. the memories flooded in.

"and they lived happily ever after." her mother closed the book before gazing down to her beloved daughter who was sitting beside her, eyes sparkling in thought of the story her mom just told

"mom, why did you have to leave me? look what dad has become! why couldnt we just be a happy normal family?" she shouted up to the sky, tears prickling her eyes but not yet crying.

she sat down on the soft grass, feeling tired from the overwhelming anxiety of what was to come from the marriage.

all of the sudden, there was rustling coming from the window behind her.

she turned slowly, thinking it was a squirrel or mouse of some sort, but it was no animal. a masked man stood there from just climbing down, wearing a leather jacket, black jeans and a dark cap. he turned to her, before walking straight to where she was sitting. she backed away slightly, scared because an unknown man just came from her household window.

she knew she should've shouted for a guard, but something about him felt so inviting. "who are you?" he questioned, standing in front of her.

"what? aren't i supposed to be asking you that? 'masked kinda hot looking man' who just climbed over my wall." she said in a small voice, trying to sound confident, voice betraying her.

"ah, you must be the daughter." the man leaned in and held her chin, observing her pretty face. she was frozen from the close proximity of their faces, and he could hear her uneven nervous breaths.

he observed her face, before saying, "now princess, you better not tell anyone that i came, or i'll come back for you." his eyes held a certain fire in it, as if he was angry for some reason. jihye stared into his dark brown orbs, which she would say, were very unique and beautiful.

he pulled away from her face and stared her down for a while more, before backing up and climbing up the wall and out of the household.

she let out a breath she was holding, heart beating a quick pace. she should've felt scared; she should've felt the need to tell someone, but she didn't.

jihye liked that she had a secret to herself, something that she could control.

jihye liked that she had a secret to herself, something that she could control

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"mark, im coming back, the mission was a success." haechan spoke into the earpiece, running his way to the van that was sitting nearby.

"good, now we need to figure out what to do next." mark spoke through the headpiece.

" mark spoke through the headpiece

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𝐇𝐄𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐀 rlly intense😋 also soz for not updating for a few dayslawl

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rlly intense😋 also soz for
not updating for a few days

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now