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                jihye eyed the door of her room and proceeded to lock it, letting anyone who were to try to open her door that she was sleeping

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                jihye eyed the door of her room and proceeded to lock it, letting anyone who were to try to open her door that she was sleeping. she opened her window and glanced out to the night sky. it was time.

she wore a black oversized hoodie and a pair of oversized sweatpants, anyone from a distance could tell that she loved wearing oversized items. she put on a cap so that she couldn't be recognised and opened up her closet.

there hung a long, thick rope. she pulled the rope out of its resting place and tied it to her window sill so that it wouldnt fall.

she put on her sneakers and tied the rope to her body incase she were to fall. she stepped out of her window before carefully lowering herself to a small surface on the wall below her window.

the girl let out a puff of air. there were four floors below her that she still had to climb down. her long black hair flowed from the strong wind and the black sky only had the moon as its light source.

she began to climb down once again and went she reached the third floor, she took a seat on the edge of the wall before letting out "im too tired to do this shit, maybe i should just bungee jump my way down." but then she decided that wasnt a good idea because she would die from the impact of the rope pulling her.

not a second later, she gasped. fuck. she had realised she was in front of her father's room, and the lights were still on, indicating that he was still awake. 'fuck fuck fuck fuck what if he heard me' she thought.

she hid behind the wall for a few seconds and waited for any signs that he had heard her, but there werent any. jihye decided to peek through the small gap in his curtain.

she almost puked when she saw the sight in front of her. her father's mistress sitting on his lap and kissing his neck while he was working.

"ew isnt my dad like 55 and isnt she like 26" she scoffed softly. she had a deep hatred for his mistress because she was practically her mother's replacement for her father, but she would never think of her as her mother.

she continued climbing down so she could not see anymore of what was happening in her father's room.

eventually, she reached the ground. the moment she set foot on it, she sat down on the grass, huffing and puffing after climbing down 5 floors, which was really a workout in her opinion.

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now