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                 the black haired boy walked through the empty always of the highschool, slightly nervous because he was lost

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                 the black haired boy walked through the empty always of the highschool, slightly nervous because he was lost. he pushed up his hair with his fingers and sighed, staring around looking for his homeroom number.

"excuse me? do you know where homeroom 11G is?" he politely asked a girl who was chatting with her friend. the girl that he asked turned to him, eyes overflowed with love as she stared at the boy who was extremely attractive.

"u-uh you have to turn right and go straight from there." she pointed while stuttering and blushing.

he thanked her and slang his bag over his shoulder and left them to go to his class. the girls he left were in squealing messes over the hot boy they just talked to.

"hello?" the boy said after knocking and opening the door of his homeroom. "ah, this is our new student. try not to be late next time as we may give you demerits." the teacher said and gestured to him to stand next to her.

"introduce yourself please." she said. "my name is han daewhi and i transferred here from incheon." he told the class whose eyes were all on him. mrs jin smiled at him and asked him to sit beside lia- eyes wide because she never had seen someone so perfect before- in the back row.

jihye watched the boy with suspicion because she was sure that she knew someone who looked like him, but brushed it off. he took a seat behind her and lesson went by.

at the end of the lesson, everyone stood up and began to pack their belongings. "hey, you're ahn jihye?" a voice full of cockiness said behind her. she turned and looked at the owner of the voice, daewhi. "yes, why?" she replied, confused on how he knew her name.

"hmm, nothing. i just thought you would look prettier." he said before walking out. "what?" she said, but he was gone.

"jijiiiii!!" nara came in with a sing song voice and slung her arm over jihye's shoulder. "ew shut the fuck up nara." chenle glared at her, nara responding with her sticking out her tongue at him and flipping him off making jihye sigh, done with both of her friend's shit.

"let's go to the art room." nara exclaimed and pulled jihye along.

they reached the room and took a seat and began their lesson. "class, today we will be starting pair projects, these will be worth 40% of your report cards, so please do it well." the teacher before explaining what they were supposed to do for the project and clasping his hands together loudly.

murmurs began to fill the room as people were already deciding who they want as their partner. "ji, lets be parters." nara shook her arm, jihye agreeing to her. "no, you will not be choosing your own partner." the teacher said, everyone in the room groan because they wanted to be with their friends.

"i'll announce the partners now." the teacher began saying out the names. eventually he reached the girls names. "nara with jooe and lastly, jihye with daewhi." jihye's head immediately whipped towards the boy who she met in homeroom. "please discuss with your partners now, the due date will be a in month."

"well, hopefully hes smart. goodluck bestie." nara said while patting her friend's back before leaving to jooe. jihye sighed and went to sit with the new boy, who was currently staring out the window.

"were you even listening to what the teacher was saying?" the girl rolled her eyes at daewhi. he nodded. " so what are you going to draw?" the class was supposed to draw what inspired them the most and then put it together with their partners' work.

"myself. what about you?" he replied shortly after thinking. "have you been self absorbed all your life?" jihye snapped at the boy. "hm, yes. but at least im handsome enough to be self absorbed, i cant say the same about you." he replied with a smirk.

jihye gave a hard smack on his back for insulting her. "ow! what was that for?" he glared. "that was for you being a cocky bastard, new kid." she glared back, both beginning to argue as if they had known each other for a long time.

" she glared back, both beginning to argue as if they had known each other for a long time

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𝐒𝐎 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐀𝐋𝐋think ab the new guy? alsoik that in normal ffs the main lead is supposed toget in a project w the girllol so where's haechan😩 i promise this is still a hyuck ff not some guy i made up called daewhi😋 he might seem cock...

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think ab the new guy? also
ik that in normal ffs the
main lead is supposed to
get in a project w the girl
lol so where's haechan😩
i promise this is still a
hyuck ff not some guy
i made up called daewhi
😋 he might seem cocky
n all but i promise hes
a very important character
later on in the story hehe
and there might be around
50 chapters idk how long
its gonna take me b4 i start
lazy writing LMAO

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now