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         "we need to infiltrate the company ahn tech and find out about the ceo, ahn jongin

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         "we need to infiltrate the company ahn tech and find out about the ceo, ahn jongin." mark said, before handing out the info that they have.

"we need to what now? why?" jaemin, their team's medic questioned their leader.

"ahn tech is one of the rising businesses in the mafia world, we need to do this because they have some tech that could be beneficial to us and would be dangerous if other gangs got their hands on it." mark frowned at the thought while the rest nodded, understanding the situation they were in.

"hyuck and renjun, i need you both to infiltrate the information base and collect files on ahn jongin, his family and connections. jeno, stand by with your sniper gun and wait for targets." their leader instructed before they started to move after hearing their task.

"chenle and jisung, you know what to do." mark gave them a signal to go to the blue room, where all the computers and hacking devices were.

jihye sighed for the nth time today as she looked out the window of her father's limo while arriving at one of his buildings

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jihye sighed for the nth time today as she looked out the window of her father's limo while arriving at one of his buildings. she didn't prefer to have the lifestyle she had because of the amount of pressure put on her for being a ceo's daughter.

she had expectations that had to be met even though she couldnt always meet those expectations, she was still human and couldnt be perfect after all.

the chauffeur opened the door of the car, revealing the big building she was forced to call one of her homes. after stepping out of the limousine she rode in, she began to walk towards the entrance and going to her room.

after a few hours of her chilling in her room while playing minecraft on her ps4, there was a knock on her door. "ms jihye? i'm sorry to interrupt, but your father has requested your presence in the dining room for dinner." one of the maids opened the door and said. jihye frowned, not liking the idea of having another dinner with her father, knowing how it would go down. "tell him im coming. thank you aria." she gave a small smile to the maid before turning back to the pc screen and powering it off.

she walked down the grand looking staircase while looking downstairs to the 2 floors she was not allowed to go to. she had always wondered what was down there, there were many rooms and she always saw people go down to those floors. reaching the dining room, she saw her father sitting there, waiting for her arrival.

"ah jihye, finally we get to have a dinner together."


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𝐋𝐎𝐋 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐎 𝐅𝐎𝐑 this book for like a day butnow i like it again so heres anupdate

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this book for like a day but
now i like it again so heres an
update. also what do you
think her relationship with
her father is like? also shit
is going down in the next
chapter i promise.

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now