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                the 5'4 girl walked out of the shop with some cream and a ice pack

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                the 5'4 girl walked out of the shop with some cream and a ice pack. "you're surprisingly still here huh." she chuckled at the boy looking absolutely miserable.

"i wouldn't want to get murdered by a pretty girl would i?" he replied with a smirk making her roll her eyes and say a small 'fuck off'. she sat down beside him and began to apply the cream on his cheek. haechan held the ice pack in his other cheek, where there was a dark bruise.

"who did this to you?" she asked in a small voice, shy from the close proximity of their bodies. "some really bad men; i gave them a piece of my mind after that though." he said in a dark whisper.

all of the sudden, he grabbed her hand that was applying the cream on his face. she shivered at the contact of his icy cold hands. he softly put her hand on her lap and stood up, beginning to walk away.

midway of walking, he turned back, staring at the ravenette girl. "thanks." he winked, before walking off into the night.

                     jihye put her head into her arms and closed her eyes

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                     jihye put her head into her arms and closed her eyes. "what happened to you? you look like literal shit." her seatmate said to her. "shut up chenle, i didnt get any sleep last night." 'i was thinking about haechan' she continued her sentence in her brain. (mood omg)

the girl found herself rethinking the whole scene that had happened the night before. her head was filled with thoughts like 'what happened to him last night?' 'who beat him up?' 'why did he wink at me?'

the overthinking caused her to not sleep at all. "i dont think you noticed, but its time for lunch, lets go." he frowned at the sleepy girl in front of him. chenle felt extremely guilty. he knew what was going to happen to her and he knew that she would hate him for it.

"chenle, if you help me buy lunch today i will officially upgrade our friendship title to besties for life." the girl yawned.

"fine, but lets goooo! we're going to be late for lunch and im very hungry." he whined at the younger girl.

"wheres nara?" she walked alongside the boy. "i dont know, i havent seen her today." chenle frowned, the question lingering in his mind, knowing the smiley girl always looked for them at lunch time or whenever she could.

the girl stopped in her path. "somethings wrong, i can feel it." "what?" chenle questioned her. "nara hasnt even texted, there's definitely something wrong." she opened her phone and glanced at her messages.

"you can call her later, but please," he dragged the please, "i will literally die of starvation if i dont eat right now." he whined before linking their arms and literally dragging her to the cafeteria and buying both of their meals.

the two sat down opposite of each other and began to eat in silence but with a few insults thrown here and there. their lunches were never usually like this; nara would be there to make jokes and bring up the mood.

jihye got a text, "who is it?" chenle asked, observing her face.

𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐄 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

jihye, can we meet at the
its important.
i really need to tell you something.

whats up tho? 😩
READ 12.35

"its nara. i have to go." she picked up her food and bag and ran away, making the boy furrow his eyebrows in confusion and sigh before standing up and going to eat his lunch with his hyungs.

" she picked up her food and bag and ran away, making the boy furrow his eyebrows in confusion and sigh before standing up and going to eat his lunch with his hyungs

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𝐎𝐌𝐆 𝐀 𝐃𝐎𝐔𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄who dis? 😍 anyways what do uthink happened to nara?

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who dis? 😍 anyways what do u
think happened to nara?

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now