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"ah jihye, finally we get to have dinner together

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"ah jihye, finally we get to have dinner together." her father said with a menacing smile, one she knew not to trust.

he gestured her to sit down on the opposite side of the table, which was filled with food that had been cooked by their chef.

the father and daughter ate in silence for a few minutes before he decided to break it. "jihye, i wanted to eat with you today because i have something important to tell you." he said before continuing to eat.

"what is it?" jihye frowned, knowing it wasn't good. "ive found you a husband!" her father said happily with a smile on his face.

"what the fuck?" she half-shouted out of shock. she knew he was going to say something like this but not as bad.

"yes! his name is yang inwoo and i think he's a year older than you. his father is a high member of the QING group." she stared at her father, mouth going dry as her head was spinning, trying so hard not to burst out at her father.

"dad. i will not be tied down to a man, i have a whole life in front of me and i will not be a pawn in your business. i have a scholarship in college and all i want is to be a singer." she tried to say calmly but her voiced had betrayed her as tears began to stream down her doll-like face.

"now, jihye, you know the consequences if you defy me." her dad shook his head. jihye stood up hastily and turned to the door before saying, "i need some fresh air." not even looking back and going to the garden.

"how did she take it?" a seductive voice echoed the walls as a young looking woman took a seat on her fathers lap.

"it wasnt good." jongin glared at his food. "well, you know what to do to her if she disagrees." his mistress said before she leaned in for a kiss.

jihye thinks she a pawn in her father plan, but what if her father is a pawn in someone elses?

jihye thinks she a pawn in her father plan, but what if her father is a pawn in someone elses?

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 𝐖𝐎𝐖 𝐁𝐈𝐆 𝐂𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐅𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑also this chapter had a lot goingon lmao

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also this chapter had a lot going
on lmao. also i'll try to update
this book everyday 👭

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now