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           two days after the little incident at jihye's backyard, was a monday, the day almost everyone dreaded, especially jihye

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two days after the little incident at jihye's backyard, was a monday, the day almost everyone dreaded, especially jihye. the girl walked the school halls, definitely in a bad mood. she put her earphones on not wanting to deal with anyone's bullshit today.

she finally reached her homeroom and there he was, her seatmate. "chenle." she acknowledged. "jihye." he replied back with a smile. "haven't seen you in class for awhile now, where've u been?" she sat down beside him, placing her things.

"hmm, just doing this and that." he hummed, lowkey tired of everything because he hated school, i mean who doesn't lmao. "well you should really stop doing this and that you asshole, you're gonna get yourself expelled." she slightly snapped, annoyed at the boy.

"shut up jihye, i could buy this whole school and change my grades and you know it." chenle chuckled proudly. "fuck u." she glared.

jihye and chenle had a love-hate relationship; even though they only met a few months ago, he quickly became close with jihye. he wasn't as close as nara but was definitely more close than literally almost everyone else.

constantly bickering till the end of homeroom, it ended with chenle storming out pissed because he had lost another game of arm wrestling against jihye who now was owed a lunch. "jiji! lets go eat." nara walked into the classroom and took a seat on chenle's desk while watching her packup.

"i don't think chenle would appreciate your ass imprinted on his table." jihye tried to hold a laugh as she stood up. "it's okay, he loves my ass anyways." she stood up too, flipping her hair and linking arms, both laughing.

the two pretty bestfriends (LMAO) walked down the hallways towards the canteen, before jihye saw by someone oddly familiar. she stopped immediately, accidentally making eye contact with the boy that she passed.

"nara?" she paused, turning back to watch him walk pass her, laughing with his friends. "whos that boy with the brown hair?"

"oh him? thats lee haechan. he's one of our seniors." nara looked at her friend weirdly, knowing she never had an interest in guys from their school.

"hmm never heard of him." jihye shook her head. "are you serious? he's one of the most popular boys in our school along with his friends. anddd i understand why they're so popular; they're hot as fuck." nara ranted.

jihye shook her head once more, watching his receding figure. "of course you don't know them, you always walk the hallways with your earphones on so you can't hear the shit that goes on." nara rolled her eyes at her bestie.

"well, not all the tea is always good." they started to walk again.

one thing that bothered jihye, was that he had the same brown orbs from the boy in her garden .

one thing that bothered jihye, was that he had the same brown orbs from the boy in her garden

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fall in love w ur own watt-
pad ocs 😍 yeah me w
literally every book. also
how are we feeling lmao

𝖲𝖳𝖨𝖫𝖫 𝖶𝖨𝖳𝖧 𝖸𝖮𝖴. lee haechanWhere stories live. Discover now