Chapter 11

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They go to the restaurant

They finally reach the restaurant and it's safe to say their tummies are calling them for some food.

What Ukraine liked was that it wasn't a really fancy restaurant, it was nice but it wasn't those restaurants rich people go to. They entered, apparently, Canada already had a reservation to the place so they led them to a table near a window far away from people.

They sat down taking off their masks, Canada took his gloves off as well. They both sighed relaxing in their seats, Ukraine looked around looking at every detail of the place. 

The theme must have been an evening sunset since the color theme were oranges, reds, and yellows. The decorations were either gold or brown. There were also some vines and plants giving a sense of calming life. 

"This is prretty" Ukraine admitted, she hasn't seen anything like this.

Canada nodded, "Yea, I've never been here so for the first time seeing it I give it a 7/10"

She was a bit confused on why a 7 but then figured he'd been to fancier prettier restaurants. Something she couldn't relate to but didn't affect her that much.

A waiter came and handed them the menu, they gave a respectful head bow to the two and left, they'd probably come back later.

They opened the menu and inspected it, Canada was the first to put it down after a few minutes already deciding what he was getting. He looked over at his friend, he couldn't really see her face due to the menu covering it but it seemed like she was still deciding. 

The person in the seat in front of him was actually relieved he couldn't see her, she was struggling a lot not wanting to show her vulnerability. She could somewhat read in English but with Vietnamese also written with the English, she got so confused. The only help was the small pictures on some of the pages, it didn't show all the dishes but they must be the popular ones to have a picture. 

A waiter came which sorta scared her a bit. "do you guys know what you'd like to drink yet?" 

She looked over at Canada, he asked for a coca-cola. She's only had it a few times here in the west, though she did like it, she wasn't in the mood for it. "Um, how much is ze tea?" She looked at the waiter 

"1.99 and 2.99 for the matcha," they said holding their pen over the notepad ready to put down her drink order.

"um-" She asked bewildered, 199 dollars for a simple drink. "199 for a tea??" She asked trying to make sure if she heard right. The waiter nodded still waiting patiently.

Her eyes widened even more, "so one hundrrred and ninety-nine dollarrrs USA???? vat does it have, gold???" She said raising her voice a bit even more in shock.  

The waiter looked at her confused and Canada realized what she meant, he chuckled a bit "No no Ukraine, it's basically 2 dollars. In the US they put a decimal to separate their dollars and cents, they also round it so if there's .99 it means u round by one" 

Ukraine blushed with embarrassment "oh sorrrry sorrrry" Now she wanted to disappear. The waiter and Canada both laughed a bit. Now she felt even more embarrassed, "Could I get a gingerrr tea with lemon and sugarrr in it?" she says quietly but enough so the waiter can hear her. They nodded and left. 

Canada is trying to hold back giggles remembering the scene over and over again. 

Ukraine looks at him annoyed and kicks him in his right Tibia bone. 

He jumps up a little with the sudden action, hitting the table since his legs are so long. He hisses in pain rubbing his leg.

The expression he gave off made Ukraine start giggling, "Yea make fun of me next time" she warned playfully. 

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