Chapter 8

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But she wasn't off the hook like she thought she was. 

Russia grabbed her hair, her hair being so short that he also got a grip of her head. 

She completely froze.

She never expected Russia to use one of Ukraine's greatest weaknesses on her.

She could feel the tears building up in her eyes as memories started to pop into her mind.

Those flashbacks from Soviet.

Russia pulled her by her head closer to him.

Belarus was now trying to get Russia to loosen the grip, some of their siblings started to walk towards them a bit hesitant knowing that Russia can lash out at them.

"That's enough Russia" UN'S loud demanding voice said walking towards him. He had his wings half open to make him look bigger.

Russia glared at him, he was obviously outraged, the glare made UN hesitate on his tracks towards him but continued. "I said Enough!" He grabbed Russia's shoulder trying to pull him back.

Russia broke from the grasp and pulled Ukraine closer "Я не советский. Следи за своим ртом, сука" (I am not like Soviet. Watch your mouth, Bitch) He let go of the stronghold, not realizing how traumatized Ukraine was feeling. He walked towards the doors and slammed them open walking away.

"Russia come back here!" UN said following the Russian for a lecture.

Now everyone's eyes went back to Ukraine but she wasn't there anymore. Including Belarus.

Canada had watched half of the things go down. He only heard the yelling and once he got to the room he just saw as Ukraine was yelling at Russia in Russian.

He was really worried now. When Russia grabbed her it was like if a mother picked up her kitten by the scruff of their necks. Something a countryhuman shouldn't be compared to in any kind of situation.

Though he couldn't see her face, he felt the aura she was giving: Terrified.

She was terrified.

That made Canada have a protective... friend... feeling? He wasn't sure but his protective mode was on.

"What are you all looking at! go home!" ASEAN said starting to walk to the door Russia and UN left and gestured everyone to head out.

Murmures erupted, some countries going to talk to some of Ukraine's siblings to know what they were fighting about.

But Canada had other plans. He looked around and saw a hallway, that's where Ukraine must have gone. He headed to the hallway and started walking quickly.

He hadn't realized his brother has called his name out.

As Canada walked through the hallway. He heard a voice on the other corner, he turned and saw Belarus pressed on one of the one people only bathrooms.

"Uki, please open the door" He heard Belarus say in a kinda worried, and desperate voice.

He assumed that Ukraine was inside, as he got closer Belarus noticed him and sighed a little relieved. Maybe he'll get her out.

Canada pointed at the door as if he's asking if she's in there, Belarus nodded putting her hands together and shaking them with a pleading face as if she's asking him to help her. He nodded and leaned on the door. 

He pressed his ear to the door trying to hear anything. He heard shuffling and a few sniffs. He felt his anger increasing thinking about how Russia could do that to his sister, he didn't know the full story but Russia shouldn't have done that. 

"Ukraine?" He knocked.

The snuffling and sniffing stopped. Instead, he heard the toilet paper holder spin a bit and the sink running. 

"Ukraine It's me Canada, can you let me in?"

There was a long pause, which meant a no.

"Um, are you ok?" He asked with a worried tone.

Long pause again.

"It's ok, hey how about you try texting me. I'll pay for phone service I promise" He took out his phone to see if Ukraine was going to text.

She did.

[Uki] - ok -

Canada smiled and showed Belarus which made her have a relieved smile. Belarus got closer to Canada to read the messages.

"Are you ok?" Canada asked again from outside the door. He waited for a response.

[Uki] -tink yu no- (think you now) 

Though Ukraine's speaking skills in English were good, her grammar and writing skills were horrible, worse than a first-grader.

Poor Belarus couldn't even understand her grammar, she can't even read English in the first place so she just stopped looking over Canada's phone. 

"Can I come in?" Canada asks and waits. 

[Uki] -no-

"Come on Uki, your sister and one of your good uhhh friends? are worrieddd" Canada said with a chimed in the end.

There seemed to be a pause, this was due to Ukraine's chest being warmed up by the thought that he was worried for her.  

She looked down on the little brick device and replied.

[Uki] -no-

Canada sighed seeing the text, Belarus looked defeated. But suddenly Canada's face lit up having an idea in mind.

"Hey, do you want to hang out?"

Belarus looked confused at Canada, while Canada was glued to his phone waiting for a reply.

They both waited on what seemed like hours but soon Canada almost fell sideways by the bathroom door opening slightly. He quickly caught himself with confusion placed all over his face looking around at what just happened.

He saw the bathroom door open and looked down at a Ukraine with a finger over her mouth trying not to giggle. Her hair was a bit messy and she had puffy eyes, which worried the Canadian a lot but seeing how she was trying not to laugh he didn't want the moment to go back to a place of sadness.

Belarus looked happy and quickly moved Canada out the way hugging her sister. She seemed to be whispering to her sister in a Slavic language, maybe Belarussian?

Ukraine pulled away with a soft smile, a fake one, but to Canada, it seemed real due to the lack of knowledge that they knew of each other personally. 

Ukraine looked over at Canada and nodded, "yea, guess you finally got yourrr wish" 

Canada smiled with a bit of joy sparkling in his chest. 

"How about I give you two a ride to your hotel? Then I can come to pick you up at 6 or 7ish" Canada said questioningly in that last part.

"6:30 is fine" She nodded.

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