Chapter 1

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Was one of the many things Ukraine had heard outside the limousine. But she didn't care,  she was too busy admiring and trying to eye every detail of the large city of New York that she heard so much about. 

She was going to her first official UN meeting, which has her first-ever trip to the west side that she learned to hate. 

"Помните, что я вам сказал, ребята, не разговаривайте с капиталистом или его семьей." (Remember what I told you guys, don't talk to the capitalist or his family.) Russia said crossing his arms. He had been to a few UN meetings with his father before so he's already admired the large city. 

Ukraine rolled her eyes, ever since Soviet's death Russia has been controlling, overprotective and demanding. It annoyed the shit out of everyone, it pissed Ukraine off as well. They were their own countries, everyone understood why Russia was acting the way he was but no one spoke out about it, except Ukraine.

"Rrrussia we not in Sofiet Union." Ukraine said with a bit of bitterness in her Ukrainian accent still looking out the windows. She felt the angry glare from her older brother but she knew he wouldn't dare to speak up when we're probably being spied on.

Yea even if the cold war was over, they still knew they were being spied on. Especially Russia. 

She wasn't going to lie, she was pretty nervous about the UN meeting. She was a new country now, she's still trying to figure stuff out with her government, she's still trying to figure herself out. 

She was going to meet new countries, well she knew most countries, Soviet-made them study an unhealthy amount of countries, especially the USA. But now she was actually talking and having conversations with them. 

'Guess somethings were actually useful' Ukraine thought.

"Украина, nice hair" Kazakstan said out loud with his broken English. 

Ukraine smiled smirking a bit, she knew that Russia hated her hair.  When they went to pick up Ukraine in her country to go to the USA, they were all shocked, but Russia was mad. 

He started to yell at her saying things like "you aren't allowed to do that" or "you look like an ugly boy" She absolutely fought back throwing insults at him too until they boarded the plane again. 

2 weeks after the death of Soviet, they all headed to their new land. The night she landed in Ukraine, she went to the bathroom looking at herself. She saw the fall of the USSR coming but not so suddenly, as she was looking at herself in the mirror, looking at her beautiful new flag.

half her face was a beautiful shade of sunny yellow, while the other half was a beautiful sky blue. Her long braided hair was blue as well with yellow tips. Her hair.

Her long, braided hair. 

She hated it.

It always brought her back memories, bad memories. 

Soviet would tell the girls of the house to either have their hairs braided, in a bun or down, and they couldn't do anything to it. He said if it was too short they'd look like a boy, if they dyed it they'd look mentally unstable. 

Not only that but he would use the hair for his advantage...

So she did what her father would never allow. Cut it right off. 

She'd never done anything like it so the cut was uneven, but she felt..


It was a step forward to being free from that man's game of chess. 

Now to the present, Ukraine thanked her younger brother and looked out the window to see they were entering the UN gates and making the loop for the front of the building. 

There were A LOT of reporters and news channels near the entrance, they were being held back by railings and police officers. There was a clear path from where the cars stopped to the door of the massive building. 

God the building, the building was beautiful, a large rectangular building with windows that reflected the buildings nearby and sky. In front of the building there were a lot of different flags, she recognizes some but didn't see her's or her siblings. Kinda upset her but since it was her first time she didn't mind. 

She looked ahead and saw them were the next ones to get out. The limousine in front of them was the second one they paid for having the other half of their siblings. 

She saw them get out and look up mesmerized by the building as well. As they walked they waves at a few cameras and smiled. 

Now it was their turn to get out. She was so excited but she had to keep her cool and look professional. She fixes her hair a little bit, fluffing it out and fixing it. 

The door soon opens and one by one the siblings step out. She was the second of last to step out, the last being Russia. As soon as everyone saw Russia, there were a million more flashes and people trying to speak. Of course, Russia gets all the attention. She fixes her pencil skirt and starts walking down the pathway. 

"It's exciting right?" Her sister Belarus said happily showing her excitement. Ukraine smile and nodded. She was trying very hard not to show her excitement but when Belarus spoke she let it out a little.

"Excuse me! Miss! What do you think of the city so far after spending all your life in the east!" Asked one of the reporters. 

Ukraine smiled and walked a little closer to answer but Russia put his hand on her shoulder and whispered "не отвечаю" (don't answer them) 

Ukraine gave him an annoyed angry look, not only was he making a bad presentation but he was speaking Russian, something they all agreed not to do in public. She threw his hand off of her and looked back at the guy who had his microphone extended to her.

"Is Beautiful! Nothing everr saw beforre" She answered in her Ukrainian accent.

She saw more reporters started asking her question but Russia quickly pushed her off. She was a bit mad but she wasn't gonna show it. 

At the entrance, she saw the other half of her siblings and- The USA himself. He smiled once he saw all the soviet kids were near him "Welcome to the USA and your first UN meeting!" he said loud enough for the reporters to hear. 

"Since it's your first meeting, I'd like to take a picture with all of you as a sign of peace" The siblings were a bit hesitant. They were speaking to the guy they were told to hate all their lives. But they quickly agreed, except for Russia of course but he got forced into it.

Everyone got in a line, tallest in the back and shortest in the front, America was on the side between the two. A photographer came from behind and started taking a picture. 

Soon America let them all in but stayed outside to great other countries. 

'Welp, first time seeing the capitalist with independence and Soviet's believes are still on me' Ukraine thought. She wasn't lying, as soon as the capitalist spoke her mind was immediately giving off insults. Good thing she has more insults for her own father than her father's enemy. 

 But her father wasn't here anymore, so that means she can have her own opinions know.. 

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