Chapter 6

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The next year rolls around. The meeting was in Beijing, China, Topic: Women's Rights.

Oh boy, the meeting was something.

Though most countryhumans did like the idea of women having basic rights, some of them said theyir nations may thinks differently on it due to religion or personal belief, but still said they'll try talking to their governments.

But other countryhumans.. where sexist bastards, one being: Russia.

Oh boy, let's just say Ukraine wasn't too happy about it and had a not very nice fight with him.

They definitely didn't go full fight mode since they were in front of countries in a professional setting. But they still fought saying insults and kinda getting it personal in the end before UN had enough of it.

Some countries, like Canada, were surprised by the way the two siblings acted. Canada hasn't fought with any of his siblings in that way before so it worried him how Ukraine sucked up the insults Russia threw at her like they were nothing.

The other 13 siblings just looked amused by it or embarrassed to be related to them. Well except Belarus, which was in between the two siblings trying to calm them down before UN did.

What really got Canada's attention was how Russia had brought up Ukraine's short hair in the fight saying something in Russian while Ukraine replied "His dead!" Outloud. That was when the fight was stopped by UN.

At the end of the meeting, he wanted to see if Ukraine was ok and ask her what it was about.

As he wanted to get past the sea of countries walking to the doors, he looked on the heads to see where the short (compared to Canada) country was.

He saw her head to the bathrooms, welp guess he was gonna wait outside for a bit.

Some of the female countryhumans looked at him weirdly as he waiting outside the bathroom door, but he didn't mind.

Soon he caught Ukraine walking out. He asked if she was ok, that it was ok for her to talk to him if she needed to.

She honestly thought it was weird and suspicious that someone asked her how she felt, but it was more surprising and heart-warming to see him care.

She told him she was fine, that they have had worse fights, and explain the last part of the fight which was Russia telling her "Father wouldn't have allowed you".

Canada now understood and cringed at the memory of her answer to that statement. No wonder Russia had his eyes widened when she had said that.

To change the subject for it to be more light-hearted he asked the same question he has been asking her for the last 2 years.

Once again it caught her by surprise but this time she didn't trip nor fall. She just giggled and declined the offer.

Though it may have been cause she didn't trust him yet, it was just to see if he'd continue doing it till a few more years.

After that, they hung out in the small garden the building had. Talking about a few random things until they left.


The next world meeting was in Turkey.

This time, Canada and Ukraine saw each other a few days after the meeting.

Canada was going to a nearby Café to get some drinks for his family.

What he didn't expect was to see Ukraine sitting at a table by herself with a cup of tea. She seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere and time.

When Ukraine saw Canada she was also surprised. They were both wearing disguises to not let humans see they were countryhumans. But the fact that they immediately identified each other made them laugh and immediately dive into a conversation.

He sat with her, asking her the basic questions which she replied with less hesitation than other times he had asked.

Then they got into a conversation on what other countries Canada had been too, then a conversation about tea, and then a conversation about flowers which were cut in half by Canada getting a phone call.

He answered, once hearing America's voice he remembered why he was going to the Café and immediately went inside to order. He got his drinks and walked over to Ukraine telling her the reasoning for his leaving.

She smiled understandably taking a sip from her tea.

But before Canada left he looked at her with a playful smile.

"Hey, would u like to hang out?"

Ukraine giggled placing her cup down and wiping her lips from the tea mustache she had.

"No~," she said playfully returning a playful joyful smile. 

The smile made Canada feel that same feeling in his chest that he felt the first time they met. He hadn't felt the feeling in the years he's been talking to her, it felt nice.

The only difference was that the flame had increased.

He smiled and waved goodbye.

Canada was questioning the weird feeling. He'd felt something similar before, with South Mexico. But that was a long time ago and though the flames may be similar they had their huge differences.

Which caused Canada's mind to miss the thought of it being something romantic wise.


Though Ukraine declines the multiple offers, they dont realize that theyre actually hanging out or talking. They've definitely been sending each other more messages and calling each other more than intended.

And when they go to UN meetings they hang out forgetting that Ukraine declined the offer. They just have a conversation after Canada asks the question like if nothing happened.

But of course Ukraine still doesnt tell Canada a lot about her past or anything sibling related.

So most of the time its just Canada talking to her about recent or past stuff while she just listens to him. She doesnt mind, she likes hearing him talk passionately about something or see him happy when talking about a past memory.

Without reliazing it, its safe to say they've become friends.

But this has caused consequences, one of them being a very protective Russian.

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