Chapter 6

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□ Laurent's pov □

I wake up early in the morning to see Edaname curled up in a ball peacefully laying next to me. I lay on the bed listening to every breath he takes as he quietly snores. I then get out of the bed quietly and decided to get started on breakfast for us.

I walk into the kitchen quietly watching every step and movement I take, trying not to be to loud and wake Makoto up. I walk towards the pantry and pull out a loaf of bread and walk to the refrigerator to get cheese, butter, and the gallon of orange juice out.

I decided to make me and Makoto some grilled cheese sandwiches, with orange juice on freshly baked blueberry muffins. The house smelled amazing after I finished cooking everything and I was grateful my mother taught me how to cook.

I set are plates and cups on the dinning room table and grab some napkins and set it in the middle.

"I'm sure he's gonna love this" I said in my head as I start to clean up the small mess I made while cooking and then a brilliant idea popped in my head.

I should take Makoto to Hawaii so he could forget about that Tuna girl. She causes too much stress for him and that's something Edamame doesn't need right now.

I speed walk to the house phone in the living room and dial a number of a good friend of mine. "What the hell do you want Laurent" My friend said on the other line.

"I was wondering if you could do a favor for me... please Abigail" I asked .

"And what would that be?" Abigail asked over the phone.

"Well... I need you to buy two of the soonest plane tickets from Japan to Hawaii, I'll give you my credit card number" I asked politely and quietly so Edamame couldn't hear me.

"Why can't you do it? You're the one going on the trip right" she asked, frustrated because I asked her out of the blue.

"Because I can't let Edaname find out, it's a surprise for him and he's sleeping so this is my only chance to ask you" I whispered into the phone.

"Wait isn't that Edaname dude the one your always talking about, I could tell you really love him" Abigail chuckled and then sighed. "Alright send me the credit card number and I'll buy the tickets and take it to you".

"Ah, thank you so much, I'll make it up to you I promise" I said relived and then I sent her the information.

I trust Abigail with my credit card number and many other things, were both on the same team and I don't think she'll try to steal money from a fellow confidence man.

Once I hanged up the phone I quietly walk back into the bedroom. I peek my head in and I see Makoto still sound asleep. I quickly walk into my closet and grab a plain blue T-shirt and some black jeans with my white sneakers.

I walk to my night stand and take out a blank piece of paper and a pen and I write a note for Makoto to read once he wakes up. I take the note and kiss Makoto's forehead before I leave the room.

I lay the note next to Makoto's breakfast plate on the dinning room table and I walk to the kitchen counter to grab my car keys and wallet and walk out the fromt door quietly.

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