Chapter 8

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A/N : Um... there's gonna be a little spicy scene but I don't think its that extreme, but I'll still put this symbol ⚠ so people can skip if they want.

Makoto's pov

"Ugh, finally were at the hotel" Laurent grabbed my suitcase and kissed me on the cheek, causing me to slightly bluish.

Laurent chuckled and put are suitcases inside the closet, he then turned around to look at me and gave me a warm smile, "I'm surprised at how well you handled being so high up in the air during the flight".

I nodded my head happily and jumped on top of the bed and laid down on the sheets "Yeah I'm pretty surprised myself".

Laurent smiled and took off his brown coat and laid it on the end of the bed. He smirked and started walking towards me, then suddenly I felt him pin me down on the bed, with his body hovering over mine leaving me in complete shock.

I'm sorry if this spicy stuff sucks, feel free to skip

"L-L-Laurent... what are you doing?" My face was blushing red and Laurent simply smiled at me, moving my bangs out my face with his right hand.

"Makoto I'm the luckiest man in the world, I get to be with someone as beautiful as you" Laurent slowly moved his hand off my face and started kissing down my neck softly, as he moved his hands down to my waist.

What's happening right now, why does it feel so good. should I even be allowed to feel this much pleasure?

I'm not saying I don't want Laurent to do things like this to me... I'm just glad he loves me this much.

I snap out of my toughts and notice that Laurent was looking at me with a worried look on his face, did I do something wrong?

"Do you want me to stop Edamame? It's okay if you're not comfortable with this yet". Laurent was about to get off me before I grabbed the collar of his shirt, stopping him from leaving.

I widened my eyes once I realized what I had just done, all  because I didn't want Laurent to stop.

I felt my face starting to blush, and I quickly shook my head and nervously laughed.

"No, it's fine Laurent.. I-I don't want you to stop" Then, without a thought to it, I kissed Laurent on the lips. And Laurent didn't hesitate and kissed back with passion.

It feels so nice feeling Laurent's warm lips against mine, there's nothing else in my life that matter's than Laurent, he's my world.

Laurent bite my lip as if he was asking for entrance, and without a thought or hesitation I let him enter. His tongue explored inside my mouth and I gave him complete control over me. (A/N: I'm sorry if this is cringy lol)

I quietly moaned into the kiss and wrapped my hands around Laurent's neck, pulling him in closer.

Laurent quickly took off my jacket, throwing it to the side, which gave me a moment to catch my breath, Laurent then wrapped his arms around my waist and winked at me, which was a classic Laurent move..

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