Chapter 1

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~ 3rd Person Pov ~

He couldn't believe it, today was Edamura's first day at his new job and he was already going to be late. "UHHHH WHERE'S MY KEY!!!" Makoto screamed in frustration, as he put his hands on his head, trying to remember where he last left them.

There was not much time to waist, so Makoto began to rush around his small apartment to get ready for work, so he rushed putting on a navy blue suit and his glasses which Makoto thought would "make him look smarter".

There was no time left to find his keys now since it was already 7:30am and he had to be at his job at 8:00am. He grabbed his wallet and house keys from his kitchen counter and dashed out the door.

Makoto ran down the street to a local bus stop, and once he reached the stop he was saw a group of school girls sitting on the bench looking at him as he arrived.

But soon after his arrival the girls looked away and continued talking. Saying things like "Have you seen that new yaoi anime?" And "Oh Yeah! It was called Yarichin something right?". (Bruuuuh your a brave soul if you've watched or read YBC 💀I have done both and it's real interesting)

Makoto didn't have a bus pass since he would usually use his car for transportation, so he pulled out the 200 yen fee and put it in his hand. (A/N: 200 yen would usually equal to 2 American dollar's)

The transportation bus arrived faster than Makoto expected, and he let the girls enter first to be polite and then he put the money fee into the machine, and sat at an empty seat at the back of the bus.

As usual the bus ride was quiet since everyone was being polite with their voice levels, and people kept to themselves.

After three stops the bus finally made its last stop, and Makoto and several other people exited the bus. Luckily for Makoto, his work was just a block away and it was now 7:48 which gave him 12 minutes to make it to his work.

Makoto is a supervisor for his work, his work sells all kinds of different and unique items all around Japan. And Makoto has to make sure items come in, and items get sold out.

He doesn't enjoy the job, but its one of the only good job to support himself., since it has good pay and you don't need to be a genius to work there.

After the walk, Edamura finally arrived to his new work company and sighed as he walked threw the building doors. Once inside the building he was stopped by a buff bald man in a black suit with black shades on.

Makoto then holds out his work I.D and the man scans it with his phone. The man looks at Makoto and looks back at his I.D card and gives Edmura a thumbs up without saying nothing.

Makoto gives the man an embarrassed smile and puts the I.D in his pocket. He then heads towards the elevator which is located at the end of the large lobby room.

He gets inside the elevator and was glad that he was the only one inside at the moment. He presses the 3rd floor button and then leans back on the elevator wall.

Makoto sighs and pulls out an old photo from his wallet. The photo was of him when he was a child with his mother and his father holding him. This was the last photo Makoto has that reminds him of his somewhat happy childhood.

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