Chapter 9

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□ 3rd person pov □

Laurent and Makoto woke up early at 8 in the morning, and since there a couple, they both feel completely comfortable with each other so today for the first time they took a shower together, and when they were finished they put on some casual clothes they packed for their trip.

Laurent was wearing his pink Hawaiian t-shirt that had lilac colored flowers on it. And Makoto was wearing a dark purple button up t-shirt, and black pants.

"Okie doki, are you ready to go Edamame?" Laurent put his phone in the back of his pocket, and checked himself out one last time in the mirror.

Makoto picked his head up and looked at Laurent, with a smile on his face he nodded his head and stood up from the bed.

"Yup, I've been ready" Makoto tossed the hotel key to Laurent, and even though he was off guard, Laurent succesfuly caught the key and smiled.

"Really? you were taking forever" Laurent winned as he joked around.  Makoto widen his eyes and smirked at Laurent.

"Me?, your always making sure you look perfect... so the truth is Laurent's the one always taking forever". Makoto rolled his eyes with a smile on his face and walked to the hotel room door.

Makoto stated while putting his hand over his stomach "Now you need to hurry up Laurent, I'm hungry and wanna eat soon" .

Laurent nodded his head and opened the front door.

The two walked down the long hallway, and once the got to the end of the building they reached the elevator and Makoto pressed the button.

As they waited for the elevator doors to come back up, Laurent wrapped his arm around Makoto's waist and rested his head on top of Makoto's head.

"So I saw this interesting food place that was nearby the hotel, do you wanna go check it out?" Laurent said while looking at the elevator, impatiently waiting for the door to open.

"Sure, I'm curious to see what kind of food people eat around here" Makoto smiled and put his hand in his front pocket to reach for his phone.

Once he pulled out his phone, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. Laurent and Makoto walked inside together, and it was a short ride to the first floor.

Once they walked outside the elevator they noticed the man working at the front desk was drinking a Starbucks coffee, while watching tv with his feet on the desk.

The man at the front desk smiled at Laurent and Makoto and kindly waved at them. Makoto and Laurent waved back being polite with a small smile on their face and walked outside of the hotel building.

There was hardly anyone one the streets, and the only sound you could hear was the nearby ocean waves crashing against the shore of the beach.

When Laurent and Makoto made it to the local food place, they walked inside the small building holding hands and was greeted by an older lady, with long black hair and dark brown eyes.

With a smile on the women face, she waved at Edamura and Laurent and pulled a small notepad out her pocket.

In perfect English the women spoke to them softly with a smile "Welcome to my food restaurant, nice to meet you and sorry if my English is no good".

□Along came Laurent□Where stories live. Discover now