Chapter 2

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~ 3rd person Pov ~

Today's the day, Makoto dreamt to happen for so long, he finally gets the chance to be reunited with his old crush/friend Laurent Thierry.

He woke up in a good mood today and decided to head down the street to a local cafe and get breakfast. Since it was Saturday he and Amelia didn't have work which made today perfect to see Laurent.

When Makoto got down to the cafe he ordered a to go meal, he got 2 pancakes, two hash browns, two latte's and two small bowls of miso soup on the side.

The reason he ordered so much food is because he invited Amelia to come over so they can discuss the plan to surprise Laurent.

Makoto speed walked all the way back to his small apartment and walked up the stairs to be greeted by Amelia.

Since it was spring time Amelia was weary a flowy strawberry colored dress, with white high heels, and her blonde wavy hair down. She turned around to help Edamura carry the bags inside, but he insisted her not to help

Once inside Amelia and Makoto took their shoes off and went to sit down to discuss heir plan.

~ Makoto's Pov ~

"I hope you didn't eat breakfast yet because I bought us some" I ask Amelia.

She smiles and shakes her head no.

I pull out the food from the bags and handed Amelia her portion of the meal.

I'm guessing pancakes are her favorite because that was the first thing she finished.

"So Amelia, what's the plan?" I say out of curiosity to the blonde haired girl.

Amelia wipes her mouth with a napkin and stands up to throw her finished plate in the trash. Once she sits back down, she pulls out a paper from her small white purse.

"Here's the plan Edamura, I stayed up late planning everything so I hope it's perfect" Amelia says with excitement as she hands me the paper.

I grab the paper and she planned everything like what I would wear and other things too, so bravo to her because this plan is perfect.

Amelia stands up and walks towards my closet to start looking at what clothes I have.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I have a very plain style" I say with embarrassment as I rub the back of my neck and look towards the floor.

I hear Amelia start laughing and I look towards her to see her holding a black card in her hands. "Don't worry Edamura I got you covered, before we do anything we gotta go shopping to buy your clothes" Amelia says as she's out of breath from laughing.

I don't her wasting her money on something I could buy myself. "No it's fine Amelia... really I could by the clothes myself".

She gives me a sarcastic sad look and says "Fine Edamura, but can I call you Makoto... please?". I nodded my head yes and give her a small smile "Of course you can, were friends after all".

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