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January 1st 1948

MARY-JANE MORRIS SAT AT THE WHITE wooded vanity table perched in the corner of the room she had been getting ready in. She felt as nervous as she had been when she first started to court him. The love of her life, her everything and soon to be husband.

Eugene Hernandez.

Quite lucky she had been to get a dreamboat such as himself. Every girl in Dallas had their eye on him from the time they had hit their early teens. In fairness he was plenty rugged for an average Joe.

Aside from all the women he could have had Mary-jane was the only broad who had caught his eye and not only because she was a dead hoofer and easily drew attention but because in his words she was as cute as a bug's ear and as kind as the day was long.

Mary-janes mother had walked In and was now pinning up the young women's hair.

"Jeepers Mary you look swell. It's such a nice change seeing you out of that lab coat." Her mother exclaimed with much joy to her as she flattened out the front of her daughter's skirt trying to decrease the puffiness of it.

Mary-jane smiled softly deciding to brush off her mother's comment about the coat she wore all to often. Her bright blue eyes dazzled with excitement. Oh what a wonderful day she was yet to have.

The ceremony was short and sweet as the pair didn't want anything too extravagant. Even though Eugene had insisted she deserved better, she waved him off thinking he was trying to be a grandstander and impress her as he often was.

Eugene's peepers were on her the whole time. Such love and compassion filled them. He was dizzy with a dame and it was damn obvious. He couldn't wait to start their family, only hoping his children reflected their mothers features.

The night ended with everyone buzzing from all the juice they had drank.


January 1st 1949

"Eugene." Mary-jane stated calmly, watching her husband rush around the room in panic was not helping her nerves in the slightest. So she figured the least she could do was try calm him.

He ignored her call and continued his frenzy.

"Eugene." She said again, a little louder so he could hear over his incoherent rambling.

He stopped pacing and looked at his love. Waiting for her to tell him what he was to do.

She cleared her throat her hands rested on her swollen belly as pain was being set throughout her.
"Stop whistling dixie and go get the tin can before we have to call the meat wagon." She demands, her patience wearing thin yet her composure remained calm.

He nodded and obliged to what his wife asked knowing they had to make tracks. They were both nervous and tired about the arrival of their first born.


"You can head in now." The doctor told Eugene before walking off with a chart and fussed expression. Something was wrong but nobody had hit it on the nose yet.

"Mary-jane? Love?" Eugene called out softly, his eyes falling onto his barley awake wife with their child in her arms.

"It's a girl, Eugene." The brunette says weakly. The man looked at his new daughter through his specs, his face showing surprise as she was as white as the snow that had rarely fell in Dallas. Although that didn't mean he didn't already love her, she was a cookie. He smiled and sat next to his dame.

The peaceful moment stopped suddenly when his wife's grip on the baby loosened and her breathing had ceased. Monitors started beeping attracting the attention of the aces' that worked there.

Everything in that moment became blurry to Eugene Hernandez as doctors crowded the room, handing him the baby and dangled his wife off somewhere away from him and the infant. Him being a scientist himself already knew the dangers of child birth to some people and apparently his Mary-jane was one of those people.

He felt like such a crumb, how had he not realized. She was right there, and now she was gone.

When they came back a nurse approached him.
"I'm sorry for your loss." Was all she had to offer before walking away.

He was left standing alone in a hospital room mourning. The only noise heard was coming from the infant's cries to her lost mother. The infant he both loved so much a few minutes ago and now couldn't stand the sight of.

What was he to do, he knew nothing about raising a child alone. Hell she didn't even have a name.

He thought and upon the news of his deceased wife he decided.
"Dolores Jane Hernandez." He said to himself.

Although he was a good man he couldn't bring himself to raise her, he didn't want to place the buck on her it wasn't fair but it was too soon and he didn't want to be one of those swiggers who'd go on a bender and come home sauced to a child who knew no different.
So when he left the hospital with the bundle in his arms and a tear stained face he went to the only people he trusted to raise her well.

He didn't want to burden them but he had to do what was best for the baby and he knew Grace wouldn't let anything happen to her.

So in a basket he placed his and Mary-janes journals, a photo of them so she'd have an idea as to what her real parents looked and a note explaining the situation.

With that he placed both his child and the basket of valuables on the doorstep, rang the bell and then made tracks.

He couldn't believe he was being such a yuck. He knew Mary-jane would hate him for it but he truly did what he thought was best for the baby. That didn't mean he couldn't hear his beloveds voice in the back of his head.

"You obtuse fathead go back."

He knew the words were right but he ignored them, just like he had his wife earlier that day while he was in his frenzy. He knew he could never be the same. Making use of his drumsticks he ran as far from Dallas Texas as he could, never once had he looked back.

Meanwhile at the doorstep where the child was left a man with a stern looking face that held importance to it, a pristine mustache only adding onto his look and a monocle on his left eye to top it off, answered the door, looking down he saw the infant...

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