Chapter 10.5

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Chapter 10.5
Who is she?

5Who is she?

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Sometimes it's easier to be in denial than accept the truth....


IT WAS A NORMAL DAY AT THE ACADEMY, well as normal as it can be for the extraordinary children.

All in training, they stood in a line.
Number one, Number Two, Number Three, Number Five and Number Six. Where Number Four was, was beyond care as he often ditched training when Reginald was out of town.

"Alright children you know what you're to do. I'll be supervising over there." The chimp in a suit said to the ten year olds.

They all went off doing their own individual thing with the exception of those who decided to spar.

After hours of them doing so Five and Six went off to find Four and Seven as they often did.

"Guys mom said we- hey what are you looking at?" Six asked as he and his brother barged into Sevens small room, much smaller then the ones they'd been given anyway.

On the bed the two missing numbers sat with a small framed photo. The frame was elegant with gold swirls around it, standing out from the black background. The condition it had been kept in was immaculate, a speckle of dust could only watch from a distance and sigh knowing it would never get near it.

"What's that, Where'd you get it?" The curious time traveling boy asked trying to get a look at the photo encased in it.

"I found it in dad's office." Number Four said still staring wide eyed at the framed picture.

"C'mon klaus you know we're not allowed in there, what if dad finds out?" Number Six says addressing number four.

"He won't, he probably won't even notice it's gone." Four waved off his worrisome filled brother.

"Pass it over, I wanna see." Five said grabbing the item before anyone could retaliate against him.

When he saw the picture he stood wide eyed at the sight, his face probably drained of any colour as did Number Six's when he caught a glance over his brothers shoulder.

"Shit" muttered the raven haired boy.

"Is that...." Six began trailing off.

"EVERYONE GET IN HERE!" The seance shouted for the rest of the Hargreeves kids.

Not long after the other three children crowded into the boxed up room.

"What's up?" Number one asked, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Look what Klaus found in dad's office." Five says holding the frame out to the tall blond.

"Why was Klaus in dad's office?" He asked taking the photo from the smaller boy. No one answered his question for no one really knew, not even Klaus himself. In honestly all he remembered was waking up on the office floor with the photo in hand.

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