Chapter 3.5

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(please excuse my sorry attempt of trying to add Dolores to the drawing. I did what I had to. Deal with it.)

August 23rd 1955

August 23rd 1955

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Meet Pogo


BEING APART OF THE HARGREEVES FAMILY you'd think the young girl would have met the chimp both her parents held so dear but that was simply not true. Of course she's heard of him but it was a fact Dolores hadn't had any physical interaction with him.

So upon hearing her father say they were going to get Pogo and go for a walk made her beam showing her teeth as white as the colour of her skin.

"We really get to meet Pogo?" She asks excitedly as she skips along the sidewalk her mother's hand held hers tightly indicating for her not to wander or stray.

"Yep, excited ain't ya'?" Grace grinned lovingly at her joyful child, watching as her platinum white curls bounced with each skip.

"You said Pogo was humanised, can he speak like we do? Can he walk like we do? Does he wear clothes? How did you know that the elixir used was gonna save him?" The ankle biter questions as she does often.

This time it was her father who managed to answer all her questions. "He cannot and does not. As for the shot used on him, that was calculated precisely over long periods of time before we considered sending him up there. Always have a sustainable plan B child." He states in his matter of fact tone.

Dolores although highly advanced was still but a child and hearing his restricted and snappy tone made her think he was mad at her. Tears sprung to her purple orbs as she gazed shamefully at her black shoes and the glittery pavement they walked on.

"Hey baby, what's the matter?" It hadn't taken a second for Grace to notice the emotion her child displayed. She crouched down to be on the same level as the small girl.

"N-nothing." Dolores muttered knowing if she was to speak properly she burst into sobs. She tried hastily wiping her eyes not wanting to ruin this time with her family.

"Come on, there's gotta be somethin'."

"Mama, I'm okay, really." The young girl pushed but when her eyes met the Crystal blue pools her mother possessed she burst into tears.

"Shh hey c'mere." The six year old was picked up off of the ground and her mother was caressing her head gently. They were now sat on a bench next to Reginald who was just as surprised at the outburst.

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