'Goodbye Fairy Tail'

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"Mama, mama, I played with the spirits today!" Little Lucy exclaimed running in her mother's arm.

"Did you have fun?" Layla Heartfillia, Lucy's mom, asked.

"Yeah, mama, will I get to keep my friends when I'm old enough to use magic?" Lucy ask worriedly.

"Of course Lucy, but remember your powerful even without your spirits. You have a power no one has ever seen before. Remember what I told you, ok." Layla warned.

"Ok mama, I'll remember!" Lucy responded while skipping off to her spirits to play.

"Keep your spirit strong even if someone tries to crush it." Layla prays to herself.

~end of dream~

I bolted up from my bed gasping with tears in my eyes. I calmed myself down and went to make some breakfast. I made two pancakes, a egg and got some orange juice. When I finished my meal I put on my regular attire, and headed out to the guild.

~at the guild~

"Hi Lucy!"

I turned around to see that sweet voice belonged to Mira, the She-Devil, and matchmaker of the guild. .

"Oh, hi Mira!" I waved.

"What would you like?" Mira asked as I walked to my usual seat.

"Strawberry Shake, please."

"Comin' right up." She said as she walked in the kitchen. I was going to the request board until I got hit with fire magic.

"Ow!" I cried.

"Oi, Luce!" Natsu called while Lissana was walking behind him giving me a I'm sorry look.

"Oh, hey Natsu."

"I have some great news to tell you!" Natsu exclaimed happily.


"Your getting kicked out of Team Natsu, and Lissana will replace you because your weak and useless!" Natsu said sounding happy.

"Oh, thanks a lot Natsu I was going to quit the team anyways, thanks for making it easier for me!" I lied while closing my eyes to make sure tears won't show.

"Oh ok then, your welcome!" He said while Natsu ran off and Lissana ran up to me begging for forgiveness.

"Oh, I only meant it as a joke, I never really wanted you out of the team." She explained.

"It's ok, your a really great person, and there right. Your better for that position then me." I reassured her.

"I'm going to go talk to master really quick, ok." She nodded and waddled off to her sister. I went up to master's office and knocked on his door.

"Come in."

"Master I would like to leave Fairy Tail." I commanded

"Why my child?" I explained to him what happened, and he nodded like he understood.

"Give me your hand, child." He sniffled. I gave him my hand and he took off my guild mark.

"Will you return child?" Makarov asks.

"I really don't know." I said.

"Should I tell the others?"

"No, I want them to find out." He nodded, and I saw he was crying when I walked out. When I went out magic was flying everywhere at me...oh no, not again. I got hit while I walked out. When I got out I turned around and whispered to myself "Goodbye Fairy Tail."

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