Forgive and Forget...Already Tried That

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I woke up in my tree, and stretched my limbs. I jumped down from my tree with a thud. I went up to my bag near the pond, and grabbed my cloak. I put it on over my armor most people would think I'm crazy wearing my armor to sleep but I never take it off. When I'm done putting on my cloak I walk down the streets of Magnolia with my keys jingling each step I take. I look at the shop signs:

Pastries-2 jewels each

Team Natsu Figures-6 jewels each

Wizards and Demons Cards-8 jewels a pack

I keep walking until I get to the guild. I stop at the doors,and take a deep breath with my hood down and open the door. I sweatdrop at all the bodies sprawled on the floor.

"Oh, hi Lucy!" Mira greets.

"Hi Mira, can I get a strawberry shake please?" I ask while I sit down in my usual spot.

"Comin' right up!" Mira cheers.

"I'm back!" Natsu booms as he kicks the doors open. He realizes that everyone asleep and walks over to me with Happy on his shoulders.

"Oi, Luce we should do a job." Natsu suggest while using my nickname.

"Don't call me that and I'll disagree with that offer." I snarl. I walk up to the S class-request board and choose a mission that needs someone to take care of some demons. This mission is as easy as pie I thought while smirking.

"Hey Mira I'm going to take this job!" I yelled while I waved the request around.

"Are you sure you want yo take that job it last 3 years." Mira warned me.

"I'll be fine!" I said while walking out of the guild.

"Okay, see you in 3 years...I guess?"

~At Battle Scene~

"Requip: Heaven's Scythe Armor!" I look down at myself, and I'm wearing a white toga with angel wings sprouting out of my back, golden braclets were around my neck and wrist, and my hair is in a bun with white roses placed carefully in my hair. I look at my hand and see a glowing white scythe with angel wings engraved into it. The demons looked at me with there big blood-red eyes. They were at least 10 feet tall,some had black fur, some also had rune engravings in them, and they all had bone-chilling black wings planted on there backs.

I yelled a battle cry and swung my blade at them, and a golden light radiated from the wounds I gave them. And they dissapered in a golden light.

~time skip at guild~

"I'm back!" I boomed while I kicked down the guild doors,and I was still wearing my Heaven's Scythe Armor.

"Lucy you finished a S-class mission just 30 minutes!" Mira said astonished with sparkling eyes.

"I could've done it faster, but I was mearly just playing with." I said while sitting down in my usual spot.

She gapped at me like I was the most wanted criminal in Fiore.

"R-really?" Mira stuttered.

"Yeah!" I said with two thumbs up.

"Oi Luce!" I heard Natsu yell across the room with Happy on his shoulders.

"Can you be quiet?!" I yelled at him while covering my sensitive ears.

"Do yo- what are you wearing?" Natsu said while observing me.

I look down at the white fabric I'm wearing "Oh, my Heaven's Scythe Armor is still on."

"Requip: Celestial Scythe Armor!" I requip into my normal golden armor.

"Cool!" Natsu says astonished.

I turned to face him "So what is it?"

"What is what?"

I slapped him "What were you going to tell me?!"

"Oh, do you want you go on a mission!" Natsu said excitedly.


"What?!" Natsu yelled

"Just kidding...of course!" Natsu started cheering. I sweat drop.

Man he is still a idiot...

~at request board~

"Cool." I said while I picked up a request.

Dear Reader,

Please help us! Our village, Squarebrook, is getting attacked by a dark guild named Demon Wishes. All we need is a team of wizards that can destroy this guild, and protect our village by defeating these evil souls. I beg of you please help us!

Reward: 100,000,000 jewels

"Man this is going to be easy." I smirk as I hand Natsu the request.

"We will meet at the train station 7:00 sharp!" I hear Erza say as she walks toward us.

"I'm all fired up!" I smile as I hear Natsu say his catchphrase with his fist on fire.

"Oi flame brain, watch were you put those flames!" Gray yelled.

"What got your panties in a knot, Ice princess!" Natsu mocked as he and Gray slam there heads together, and start bickering.

I smile and walk out of the guild.

~time skip~

I walk into the forest and go back to my camping spot. I lay down in the grass and get comfortable.


"Hey Spada!" I exclaimed at the Requip dragon. He was in his human form his silver hair was glistening along with his blood red eyes.

"What are you making Lucy?" The dragon yawned.

"Pancakes of course. There your favorite!" I smiled at him sweetly.

"Thanks, but we need to start teaching you the basics of fighting with a scythe." Spada said while sitting down at the metal table.

"Awesome! When do we start?" I asked determination flickering my eyes.

"After breakfast." he replied as I set down the food.

"Awesome!" I said while eating my food as fast as I could.

~end of dream~

I woke up with my heart pounding. The grass tickled the palms of my hands as I sat up thinking.

I can't forgive you for abandoning me,
But I also can't forget the kindness you gave me
Because I already tried.

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