The Return Of Fallen Star

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~Authors PoV~

The Fairy Tail guild has been sad and lonely without Lucy the past 5 years, but there slowly going back to themselves. At first Elfman stopped saying "Man", Mira stopped smiling, Juvia stopped stalking, Gray stopped stripping, Erza never ate strawberry cake, Happy was sad all the time, Wendy tried to cheer everyone up until she gave up, Gajeel stopped eating iron, Levy only read Lucy's book that Levy found was finished, Lisanna was only in a foul mood, Master never came out of his office and Natsu...poor Natsu was affected the most, he never fought, smiled, and always tried to search for Lucy, but know there getting back to there old selves.

"Wow this Fallen Star chick is always destroying dark guild, and never leaves any for us!" Gray complained.

"I heard Fallen Star is a descendent from the star goddess, Starlifinna." Wendy cheered. Wendy has gotten mature and is a charming girl all the boys want.

"How could they know, no one knows how she looks, or how she sounds like, or her name, or her magic." Gajeel said.

"Well I think she's a amazing person." Wendy said with sparkling eyes.

"Well I bet I can beat her in one hit!" Natsu challenged with his fist ablaze. Everyone in the guild sweatdrops at how cocky he can be.

"Well I wish I knew who she was." Gray mutters.

~Lucy's PoV~

I sit near the river in the forest I'm in. I think my training is complete, and I'm proud at what I discovered. I smile at my reflection, I can hear, smell, and see like a dragon slayer, because I am one. I worked very hard to become more powerful than anyone in Fairy Tail. Soon I have to go to Fairy Tail, because I need money so I can get things to eat.I pull up my hood I don't need people knowing I'm Lucy and Fallen Star. My golden armor is covered by my cloak. I never take off armor because I feel more relaxed in it.


I stop in front of the Fairy Tail doors. I know I'm ready, but I open the doors loudly.

Dammit, I didn't want attention.

"Who are you?" I hear a commanding voice question. Oh, it's just Erza.

"That is none of your importance Titania." I tell her while I walk to Makarov's office.

"Hey if your going to Masters office I can not allow you unless you tell me who you are." Erza says while in her Heavens Wheel Armor, but I just continue to Makarov's office.

"Dance my blades." I hear Erza chant silently. I turn around and grab a sword. I block all of the flying swords with the sword I got, because I can't show them my power yet.

I hear gasp around the crowd and people murmuring questions to each other.

"Does she have magic?"

"No, I can't sense any."

"How is she doing that?"

"Oh no, she made Erza mad."

I stare at Erza in the eye and smirk at her struggling face. Erza reqiups into her Black Wing Armor.

"Let's take this outside." Erza says shadows covering her eyes. We walk outside and she charges at me, but I can see her main goal is not beating me, but revealing my identity.

"Why don't we make a deal? If I win I get to see Makarov, and if you and your friends win you get to see who I am, but I want to go against Team Natsu and the dragon slayers besides Wendy along with Mira." I challenge. Erza hesitates until she agrees and gets my opponents ready.

"Requip: Celestial Scythe." I chant quietly that not even a Dragon Slayer can hear me. My golden scythe forms in my hand and I twirl it.

"You ready." I ask while pointing my scythe at them. They all get in fighting stance and nod.

"Fire Dragons Roar!"

"Requip Heavens Whell Armor. Dance my blades!"

"Iron Fist of the Iron Dragon!"

"Take Over: Satan's Soul!"

"Take Over Animal Soul: Tigress!"

"Ice Make: Lance!"

All kinds of magic were soaring near me, but this was as easy as eating pie. I blocked all of the magic with my scythe and I yelled:

"Celestial Scythe Special Move: Fallen Stars!"

Then the beauty of the golden stars hit my opponents with extreme damage. The smoke cleared up, and I saw Natsu standing there shadows covering his eyes.

"Your scent is familiar." He mutters.

"Requip: Flame Dragon Scythe!" I whisper. I start to glow red and I see I'm wearing red dragon scale armor with large red dragon wings on the back, and my scythe was red engraved with dragons and fire.

He turns to me wide eyed "Only Igneel can give you fire dragon stuff!"

I charge at him and swing my scythe at him while my scythe is swallowed in raging fire. When I hit him he tries to eat it but he can't,and he gets sent flying back while unconscious. Everyone was gasping that I took them all down with 2 blows. I walk next to Wendy and whisper "Take care of them like you always do." She looks at me and smiles that makes me smile as well, and I walk off to Makarov's office.

I knock on the door "Come in."

I pull down my hood "Uhhh, can I join the guild?" I ask

"Of course!" He cries as he wraps me in a hug.

"I see you also found your true power Lucy."

"Yes, and can you please call me Fallen Star. I want to tell them after your done announcing." Master nods and calls Mira. I pull my hood up quickly before she comes in.

"Wear and what color?" Mira ask

"Gold and on my shoulder." I answer.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail!" Mira says with a heart warming smile.

Master walked outside along with me. "Listen up brats, Fallen Star has joined the guild!"

I turn around and pull down my hood. "I'm back!"

"Lucy!" They shout.

"Party for Lucy's return!" Someone shouts.


~after the party~ (A/N: sorry,I know,I'm lazy 😅)

"Oi, Luce your Fallen Star!" I glare at Natsu and nod.

"Well I'm going home Mira, see you tomorrow!"

"Ok bye!" I walk away from the guild and go to the forest I'm sleeping in. Man I haven't been in a bed since I was with Him. I really miss Him, but he was the one who abandoned me. I shouldn't be thinking about Him.

I lay down on the soft grass near the waterfall, and I let the soothing sounds of water hitting the ground lure me into a deep sleep.

A Fallen Star's Weapon (Nalu FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now