A Great Sacrifice

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Five words.

Best. God. Damn. Picture. Ever!

Well on to the story!


I saw magic flying everywhere and dragon slayers fighting multiple dragons at once. Natsu looked at me with awe in his eyes when he saw the Forbidden Scythe Armor.

"That's hot." I glared at him yet summoned my scythe and pointed it at a the fog that was building up.

"Reveal yourself." A lean looking man with black hair and electric blue eyes appeared except the only think strange was that he was surrounded with blue flames.

"Hello Lucy Heartfillia, daughter of Layla Heartfillia and now the new Dragon Queen whom is extremely powerful." He had a evil glint in his eye.

"Well are you going to strike?" I asked in fighting stance and Satan got in his fighting stance to with a sinister smile.

"When you are." I scoffed then ran at him scythe ready.

I requiped my scythe to my celestial keys. "Open gate of the 10 zodiacs!" (A/N: I made this spell up btw.) All my spirits appeared.

"Punishment hime?"

"Lucy want to snuggle?"

"You look lovely MOOOOO!!!!"

"Need a haircut-ebi?"

"Nice to see you again Lucy-sama."

"I'm ready to shoot down what ever you need milady!"

"Looks like you finally have a boyfriend."

"This is rad!"

"G-gomenasai L-Lucy-sama."

"Hi Lucy Piri-Piri!"

I smiled because I knew this was my last time seeing them all together again. I put my keys on my belt like old times and saw Satan do a spell to.

"Open the gates of the 10 demons!"

When he did that spell 10 demons came out and my spirits started to attack the demons. I can tell they were both equally powerful and the fight would last long like ours.

"FIRE DRAGON'S ROAR!" My cheeks puffed up and fire came out of my mouth. Satan dogged and came at me with a sword covered in blue flames. I got out my forbidden scythe and blocked his sword, and I knew on touch of that sword I'd be dead. I quickly stepped back and yelled. "UNISON RAID: FIRE DRAGON AND ICE DRAGON WING ATTACK!" I hit him square in the chest and he skidded back. When he got up his hand started to glow blue and black and he swung it at me. "SATAN'S SHADOW FIST!" I quickly dodged it and kicked him with a leg surrounded by water.

He got out his sword again. "POISON DEMON BLADE!" I got out my Dragon Queen scythe and blocked his sword again but this time he smirked and did a different spell. "HELL'S FLAME!" My eyes widened when I saw the blue flames on the sword explode and turn deadly white. I knew if the white flames touched me I would go to hell, and I knew he was trying to get Natsu because his lips started to curl into a smirk.

"QUEEN'S PROTECTION!" A golden area surrounded Natsu and when the smoke cleared out he was safe and unharmed. I sighed a sigh of relief and ran towards Satan with my forbidden scythe. "Time to end this. SEAL OF GODS AND DRAGONS!" He screamed and his chest had the Divine Power sign on it. The seal looked like Yin and Yang except the little dots were a dragon and a god. Satan was still screaming when his right eye had the Divine Power sign on it, and that's when he exploded in a golden light.

When I turned around I saw my spirits stare at me with sadness. I knew what happened I-I was...

Fading away.

My body shimmered and started to fade. Natsu ran to me and held me close to his chest and I snuggled close to him.

"Luce don't leave me." I felt tears fall on my hair.

I looked up at him and gave him a smile. "Don't worry I won't I'll be right here." I pointed at his heart.

"Why would you be in my stomach?" He asked with a questioning look. "Are you secretly food?"

I chuckled. "No silly, I'll be in your heart and memories and no I'm not food."

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "So I ruined our moment didn't I?"

"No you didn't." I kissed him roughly then softly as I melted into the kiss, but I was fading even faster now and I needed to tell Natsu one last thing.

"Give my family to our future bundles of joy." I handed Natsu my keys and he cried even more.

"Remember Natsu that I love you." And with those last few words I faded away into existence.


Natsu's PoV

"Lucy...LUCY!!!" I patted the ground not finding her anywhere, but where she died was a note.

Dear Natsu,

When I'm gone you'll fine this note that I made, but this note was made for one purpose only and that was to tell you that I had two twins. One is a girl the other is a boy and I wanted you to name them. I know you don't hear the cries of children now but when you finish reading this you will see to eggs appear the girl will be pink and the boy will gold resembling their hair. I hope you will take care of the children and if your not ready to be a father that's okay to. But I hope you will make the right decision and remember Natsu that I love you.

Hope you remember me,

I cried after I read that letter and I felt someone pat my back.

"Natsu remember what she told you. She would kill us if you were crying." I looked up and saw Erza crying to.

Gray gave me his hand. "Get up flame brain."

I smiled and accepted it. "Shut up ice cube."

I looked at the note and saw to eggs next to it. "So these are my new kids...cool!"

"Natsu if you ever leave these kids I swear I will kill you." I gulped. "AYE SIR!"

The guild came up to us and we went home leaving a smiling spirit behind us.

I hope your happy Lucy and remember I'll always love you to...


2.11k reads and 74 stars!

Thank you guys so much for reading this piece of crap I call a fan fiction. I can't even thank all of you guys enough. I've been through rough times and your comments are helping me a lot. Thank you again.

Peace out. ✌✌✌✌


Check out meh other fanfic The Moon Village. If you do I'll give you a cookie! *taunts you with cookie*

Now really PEACE OUT. ✌✌✌✌

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